Recent content by RaptorGTA

  1. R

    Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

    thank god...a great choice for Kamelot..but thank god he aint leaving SW. Does this mean SW can tour in America now? pleeease!
  2. R

    Has anyone read Aniara?

    er. Sorry, I really didn't word my first post properly. I bought Aniara for $72 off of amazon. (that was cheapest i could find it). I was wondering if anyone else had bought the book. Was it worth it? Well i dont regret buying it. Yes its a lot for a book that may have 130 pages, but its...
  3. R

    Has anyone read Aniara?

    I was wondering if any Seventh Wonder fans have checked out or own "Aniara: An Epic Science Fiction Poem"? After listening to "The Great Escape" so much I really wanted to read the poem the song was based off of.
  4. R


    Hey guys! I was on my bands site (TerraNova) and seen you guy had a myspace. Awesome! So any chance your gonna come to America? Or do we have to come over there? lol
  5. R

    Any vidoes??

    Hey guys us people in America ( and other country) would like to see some clips if possible of live shows...since we cant see the real deal! any plans for this?
  6. R

    New Review at

    wow..awesome reveiw!! really got to get some money saved up now. Congrats guys! awesome awesome reveiw,,,this wil make people stop and check ya guy out.
  7. R

    Work out before shows?

    awesome!..yea..same thing for me....i usualy just jump around and goof off before a show...after it..either Im still hyper..or Im so dead i lay down for a bit.. goofying off is ya get yelled
  8. R

    Bradford Rios i would soo go..if i didnt live in another country... curse you Ocean!!
  9. R

    Work out before shows?

    I was wondering if you guys do some form of exercise before a show. ive noticed alot of bands seem to do some exercise before a show (jumping jack,push ups, etc) anyone in the band do this?
  10. R

    Bands or Zines plug here

    haha i know..thats why i probablty wasnt going to post anything..hehe
  11. R

    Bands or Zines plug here

    hmm..what if a band isnt really metal...example my band...I was thinking of puttiong my bands demo up here when its done..but i wasnt sure since its not a true metal demo.....its nu-rock with guitar solo's...
  12. R

    AH!...I missed alot!!

    hmm...if all else fail i will have to..thank man! hopfully i can find one store that would preorder it....but either way//it will be in my hands!!..hehe
  13. R

    Bloodstock 2004

    ..not fair....why cant i go....damn ocean... if anyone reading is able to go to that show...YOU BETTER DAMN GO!! Awesome line up indeed!
  14. R

    AH!...I missed alot!!

    once again, proof that my pc is evil...An attempt to load windows XP went bad and wiped everything on my pc...and inturn...i didnt get to hear about the new album!!! AHH...damn it But i have now..YES! Ill still have to preorder it though...I went into several music stores asking if their...
  15. R

    Np Thread (Highly original i know )

    I second that....That album is still in shocked on how well it was composed and made.....i cant wait to see em live! NP: Weird Al Yankovic - Amish Paradise (hahahahaha)