Recent content by Riffman15

  1. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  2. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  3. R

    Cloud 9

    Aight guys, here's my new solo guitar/shred song. It's called Cloud 9 -- hopefully it puts you there. I was a little lax on my performance this time, but I think the musicality makes up for a little sloppiness in the performance. Make sure you stick around for the solo section...
  4. R

    Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  5. R

    Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  6. R

    Sick Melodic Shred Metal

    Wow thanks man. I appreciate the positivity. Yeah, I'm working on playing more for the song now. I kinda assume you gotta get the chops demonstration out of the way just to give yourself justification to play from the soul later. Gotta pay your dues I guess.
  7. R

    Sick Melodic Shred Metal

    Check it out! I'd like to hear what you think of my playing.. Any advice on how I can improve? :rock:
  8. R

    Floyd rose issue

    Make sure crews at the nun are tight enough that it won't go out of tune. If you are already doing that then maybe it has new strings that haven't stretched yet. Dunno.
  9. R

    Attention Fellow Metal/guitar BLOGGERS

    Thanks dude. Saw the link. I'm putting your link up now.
  10. R

    Attention Fellow Metal/guitar BLOGGERS

    Nice dude. Reply back with confirmation and a link and you will receive the same!
  11. R

    Bands/Trends you believe had a negative impact on Metal

  12. R

    Attention Fellow Bloggers

    I am interested in perhaps starting a UM webring of sorts, that contains the blogs and sites of other UM'ers. This would be easiest simply by linking to one another in the sidebars of our blogs or sites. That way, we can easily click over to the other sites from fellow UM'ers when we are...
  13. R

    Attention Fellow Metal/guitar BLOGGERS

    I am interested in perhaps starting a UM webring of sorts, that contains the blogs and sites of other UM'ers. This would be easiest simply by linking to one another in the sidebars of our blogs or sites. That way, we can easily click over to the other sites from fellow UM'ers when we are...
  14. R

    Music of a Shred Guitar Wannabe