Recent content by Vision

  1. Vision

    Thank You from the Freaks!

    I am such a fan of the mighty Freak Kitchen! It wasn't possible for me to be in Atlanta this year, but I do so envy everyone that got to see the Freak show! Mattias, how about a U.S. tour next year?!?
  2. Vision

    role call for Therion in Detroit - 10/1

    I really hope somebody will post a review or two for this show. I had myself all worked up for their show here in Denver on September 28th. Then the show was cancelled. Apparently a new tour bus met them in Omaha. Was I disappointed to miss the Denver show? HELL yes!
  3. Vision

    Who's heard C.O.B.'s cover of Britney Spears?

    I once had a teacher tell me "You can't spray gold on shit...." in reference to a question about cleaning up someone's vocals in the studio. That comment aside, can I be honest with you? I have a confession,...I like the tune. I fuckin love Children Of Bodom. The track isn't on the new disc "Are...
  4. Vision

    DVD Ordering Information

    Hey Glen, Are there any CD samplers remaining? I wasn't able to be there this year, but would love to add one to my collection(I was there for IV and V). Can you or any other kind PPUSA'er "hook a brother up"? :Spin:
  5. Vision

    ProgPower USA DVD Easter Eggs Hint

    I'm anxious to buy one of the DVDs when the extras go on sale. Where do I focus my obsession? The forum? News at the homepage? I can't handle the option of one of these slipping away. Glen, how *many* extras are there?
  6. Vision

    ProgPower USA DVD Easter Eggs Hint

    Pardon my ignorance, folks, but will the DVD be for sale here? I wasn't able to be in Atlanta this year. Any kind soul out there with a CD sampler that they might be willing to add to my collection? Greedy bastard? Yes, perhaps....
  7. Vision

    Post your Prog Power 6 line up.

    My top 10 in random order(barring those from past years): 1. Moonlight 2. Sonata Arctica 3. FREAK KITCHEN 4. Orphaned Land 5. AYREON 6. Warmen 7. Enchant 8. Pallas (No, not really*metal*, but I can dream) 9. Within Temptation 10. Sun Caged(...or are these guys no more?)
  8. Vision

    Festival T-shirt: More on sale soon

    I had my head blown off my shoulders LAST year, but couldn't be there for PPV. That being the case, put me down for one XL t-shirt!
  9. Vision

    Limited Edition Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night

    Click on the union jack icon in the top left corner of the page to view the site in English? That should be easy enough....
  10. Vision

    Excuse me while I kill myself...

    Wow, Keepwalking, I noticed Rata Blanca in your list and FREAKED! I love that band. Then I noticed where you're from and it made more sense. I own "El Libro Oculto" and think that it kicks some ass!! Nice addition to your list.
  11. Vision

    New 'Magnitude Nine' is great!

    I bought that myself this past week. I wasn't sure what to expect initially, as I hadn't heard anything about it. I own two earlier M9 discs, so I bought it thinking it would be a safe bet. No disappointments! By the way, Dave, are you saving for PP5 yet?
  12. Vision

    Freak Kitchen live internet broadcast from Iceland tomorrow at midnight CET !!

    Please, please, PLEASE tell me that this was archived somewhere! I didn't see this post until today. Anyone record the stream?
  13. Vision

    PP USA IV: First video available

    What are the chances of a Prog Power USA DVD?
  14. Vision

    Oct CD Order from The End

    I think that new Adagio disc is extremely good, too. It is even better than the first disc! An all-star project and great discs.
  15. Vision

    Music played over the Earthlink PA...

    For those of you who appreciated the Metallica parody, you really need to check out "Beatallica" at the link below. Whoever these anonymous musicians (in Beatallica) are, they really have Metallica(and Hetfield) WIRED. You have to hear this to believe it...