Recent content by Winterheart

  1. Winterheart

    LOST IN THOUGHT to support Delain on European tour

    That is an awesome tour package!
  2. Winterheart

    New Amon Amarth single

    I can't wait to buy this album... even if the later Gothenburg melodeath influence is starting to take hold. The music is just too damn good! That's why they're one of my favorite bands! :)
  3. Winterheart

    Sword reunites!

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I wish I lived in Montreal
  4. Winterheart

    What's your take on the next Maryland Deathfest?

    This year was my first time going and I had a blast! I can't wait to go back next year, because the line-up is superb! Lots of great lesser-known bands are on it. :)
  5. Winterheart

    SERENITY - New Album and Samples

    Serenity quickly became one of my most-listened bands when I discovered them this past year. I love both albums and I can't wait to hear the new one!
  6. Winterheart

    Maryland Deathfest IX

    I'm going all four days
  7. Winterheart

    My personal thoughts on the Kamelot situation

    Thanks for taking the time to clarify things, Glenn. I've been a Kamelot fan for far too long to dismiss them over something as silly as Khan deciding to leave/take a break. I can't wait to see them on the upcoming tour with Fabio. Kamelot is great because of Kamelot, not because of Roy. If that...
  8. Winterheart

    The Official Seven Kingdoms Tour Diary

    Well, it was about 90% the bands themselves plus all of us working for Camden on staff with our BRIGHT-AS-FUCK-YELLOW Camden Cruz Entertainment shirts who made this happen. Also, Camden himself running around like a madman. So, you're welcome. ;) Apart from working the show, I thought all of...
  9. Winterheart

    Dark Progressive Power Metal

    For the sound you want, I'd recommend their albums: Beyond The Sea Autumnal
  10. Winterheart

    Resurrected Power Metal Thread

    I agree. For some reason I also place them as a power metal band, but their music does divert a lot at times. The Jets 'N Guns soundtrack is BADASS though. Loved that game anyway, but the music was just so great.
  11. Winterheart

    The Official Seven Kingdoms Tour Diary

    WELL, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Saint: I'm just busting your balls, man.
  12. Winterheart

    The Official Seven Kingdoms Tour Diary

    Camden knew I/we were kidding, Glenn. I'm one of his best friends and the ex-vocalist of Seven Kingdoms. I think I can poke fun whenever I want in a Seven Kingdoms thread. Thanks for deleting all my posts though. :P I was one of the few people BACKING YOU UP in the Blackguard thread. Jeez.
  13. Winterheart

    Your Favorite Power Metal Song Ever

    And Then There Was Silence I know, cliche, but it's still my absolute favorite. One of the few singles I own.
  14. Winterheart

    Resurrected Power Metal Thread

    Just popping in to say that the new Dark Moor came out this past week and it's easily the best since Beyond The Sea and is probably better. Check it out if you're not still too sore over Elisa leaving and them changing to a more symphonic/progressive sound.