Search results

  1. Batguy21784

    What news, Theocracy?

    Any news, guys? I understand how busy and difficult life can be, but diehard fans (like me) love to hear what you guys are working on ...or even thinking of working on. I love the anticipation, but radio silence is just maddening. LOL By the way, Theocracy used to have an official club. Club of...
  2. Batguy21784

    What news from Theocracy Kingdom?

    Glad to see Val posting quite a bit on the forum, but I feel like Theocracy is in "radio silence mode." Any news? Shows coming up? Will there be something new we can look forward to? Thanks!
  3. Batguy21784

    My Review of GHOST SHIP

    For any interested, here's my super long, super positive review of GHOST SHIP:
  4. Batguy21784

    Complete Listing of Theocracy Christmas Songs

    Hi, all. Sorry if this question/request has been posted 30 times already, but does anyone have a complete listing of all the Christmas songs Theocracy has done. I -think- I have them all, but want to make sure. Thank you! And Merry Christmas!
  5. Batguy21784

    Christmas Tune This Year?

    I have a feeling I've probably missed 12 discussions on this already, so if this is quite the dead horse, forgive me please for beating it once more. But... Will Theocracy have a new Christmas song this year?
  6. Batguy21784

    This painting reminded me of...

    Hey, all, check out this wonderful painting. Wish I knew who the artist was. Anyway, what Theocracy song does this make you think of?
  7. Batguy21784

    Anyone else heading to Atlanta for "Prelude to Europe" show?

    TWO WEEKS. I can't believe it. After all these years of desperately wanting to see Theocracy live but being unable to attend the few Stateside shows, my son and I are roadtripping from Maryland to Atlanta to see Theocracy: Anyone else...
  8. Batguy21784

    Anyone Listen to New Nightwish?

    I've been a Nightwish fan for a while. But their latest CD "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" sounds like it might be full of evolution preaching. They've even got Richard Dawkins soundbites, apparently. For those Christians who buy into evolution, peace. I don't wish to start a fight. I'm just...
  9. Batguy21784

    Black Fate is AWESOME

    Hey, Theocracy, you've recently posted about a label-mate band "Black Fate." Thank you for that. They are really strong. Totally grooving, melodic prog/power metal. Very distinctive vocals and uber crunchy! Loving it.
  10. Batguy21784

    Cool Article. Look at #2 on the List
  11. Batguy21784

    Summer Shows, Please?

    Hi, Theocracy: any plans for a show or two this summer? I'm willing to drive half a country, if need be. My son and I have been jonesing for a Theocracy show. Seriously, I ache to hear Mirror of Souls and I Am in a live show. It's like worship only on steroids! Seriously, can't we rally the...
  12. Batguy21784

    Any US shows this Summer?

    I know about ProgPower, but other than that will there be any Theocracy shows anywhere in the US this summer?
  13. Batguy21784

    Prop/Power Metal Christmas?

    Hey, all Of course nothing tops Theocracy Christmas music, but do you know of any other Progressive Metal -OR- Power Metal Christmas tunes out there? I don't mean the cheesey stuff like "Motorhead's Christmas" or any of that old school metal stuff (no offense to old school metal). I'm just...
  14. Batguy21784

    September 21st Theocracy Show?

    Hey, all Does anyone know any details about the September 21st Theocracy show in Kentucky? My son and I are going to road trip out there, but we need to know: 1) where can we get advance tickets? 2) what is the name of the venue? We need to book a nearby hotel. 3) will there be...
  15. Batguy21784

    Best Metal Christmas CDs...Songs?

    Hey, Merry Christmas! I LOVE this time of year, and I like to rock it up with good metal Christmas music. What are the best Christmas Metal CDs or Songs Out there? Also, any new Theocracy Christmas Tunes for 2012?
  16. Batguy21784

    Anyone know anything about Coheed and Cambria?

    I had never heard of them until my son started playing a song called Welcome Home on his guitar. It sounded pretty cool. So I listened a little to previews and they sound pretty cool. Anyone know any background? What are they about? Anything I should be wary of as a Christian listener? Thanks!
  17. Batguy21784

    New Super Band: Flying Colors

    Hey, anyone know the scoop on Flying Colors? It's Mike Portnoy's new band with a huge line up including Steve Morse and Neal Morse. Neal Morse has done some awesome Christian Prog. Anyone know if this new project will have any Christian content?
  18. Batguy21784

    2012 Prog, Power, or Symphonic Metal

    Hey, anyone know of good Prog Metal, Power Metal, or Symphonic Metal bands releasing something new in 2012?
  19. Batguy21784

    Oh me of little faith...

    Okay, time for me to eat copious amounts of crow. I just got As the World Bleeds from Amazon, and boy was I an idiot. You might have read my previous post where I was a little worried about the musical direction of the band, that it might become to repetitive, using an overused powermetal beat...
  20. Batguy21784

    Dragonland: Good googly moogly!

    Okay, so I am such an incredible idiot. Apparently in one of my mad Power Metal binges, I downloaded so many CD's that I didn't have a chance to listen to them all. I downloaded several Dragonland CDs, and mannnn, what a silly name for a band. Makes me think of Dragon Tales that kids' cartoon...