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  1. Astaroth666

    d e i x e i . d e . s e n t i r .

    d e i x e i . d e . s e n t i r . is an ambient project with some post rock and spoken word influences. We already have a small EP released called agora vivo num quarto e esqueço-me que o mar existe. It's free! We are also currently working on the next album. Members are: sem nome - voice...
  2. Astaroth666

    Morte Lune

    Morte Lune, once part of the now dormant OSN (The Order of the Silver Night), is a one-man black metal project from Portugal. The project is currently dead. Check it out:
  3. Astaroth666

    The Taake thread

    What album of Taake's trilogy do you think is the best? And why??
  4. Astaroth666

    Help me in my Metal journey

    I'm allways looking for new exciting bands, and I become really happy if I find a good one so, suggest me some good bands please. My favourite styles are Black Metal, Death Metal and German Thrash Metal. I already know the essencial bands in the Black Metal realm like Darkthrone, Burzum, etc...
  5. Astaroth666

    Fellow metalheads...

    I became a metalhead last year and basically, I jumped straight to extreme metal-Black Metal, Death Metal. Recently I addopted Thrash Metal as it has proved to be a fucking awesome style, just perfect to my ears. My favourite bands are Darkthrone, Gorgoroth(Infernus rules!!\m/), Burzum, Taake...