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  1. D

    Dimaension X - Invisible Basilika

    Experimental Drone Krautrock Doom Metal from Dimaension X. I've been listening to bands like Aluk Todolo, Can, Neu!, Faust, SunnO))), even Kraftwerk, Hawkwind, Glenn Branca, Rhys Chatham, and a bunch of instrumental psychedelic bands that focus more on the minimalistic, hypnotic side of music...
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    2 new albums - Red Gnome & Thrv the Black Door

    Hi gang, It's been a while since I posted any new music, but my computer system unexpectedly DIED and had to be completely replaced. So I finally got a new computer, got my system up and running and we're off. I decided to release my first album recorded on the new system under my actual name...
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    Dimaex 5004 & 5005

    Hi gang - here are the final albums for Dimaension X in 2018 (most likely). It's the end of the summer, fall begins, and it's time for a break. But here are Dimaex 5004 and 5005, ready for download at the Internet Archive, and streaming at the YouTube. BTW, I used Suleiman's MegaMetal Drums...
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    Dimaension X - Dimaex5003

    Dimaension X - Dimaex5003 0:00 1. Sacrifice of Confusion 5:54 2. Four Avatars of the Vortex 10:37 3. Evocation of the Goddess of Words 15:56 4. Dynaepithelium 22:55 5. Rite of the Hidden Day 28:58 6. The Great Invocation 34:07 7. Living Angels' Ritual of the Foul Runes 40:07 8. Cenotaph...
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    Dimaex5002 - 1st Dimaension X album for 2018

    Dimaex5002 by Dimaension X - the first album release by Dimaension X for 2018. The next in the "5000" series, Dimaex5002 continues the percolating sequencers, heavy grooves, melodic guitars and synths. Notes Music composed and performed by Dimaension X Recorded and produced by Dave Lanciani at...
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    Exempt Human Specimen - Undfangede 2.0

    Undfangede 2.0 by Exempt Human Specimen The full album remixed and remastered, with the songs compiled as they were originally intended - as three long multi-part songs. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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    Dimaex5001 - final Dimaension X album for 2017

    Hi guys, I've completed what will be the final Dimaension X album for 2017 - "Dimaex5001" Song titles, images, and overall inspiration based on John Harper's RPG, Ghost Lines", available at One Seven Design Streaming the full album on YouTube: Stream audio and...
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    Eklipss by Dimaension X

    Some new experimental Drone Doom Metal from Dimaension X created and inspired by the upcoming Solar Eclipse on 08/21/2017. Once again, I've been listening to SunnO))), Monarch, Olde, Thorr's Hammer, Khanate, Nadja, and other Droney Doom bands, and using the number Pi (π) as "tablature" for the...
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    Ghost/Echo More sci-fi electronic synth rock madness from Dimaension X! The titles and general themes are based on an interesting rules-lite RPG named Ghost/Echo by a game designer named John Harper. Stream or download from Internet Archive: Streaming at...
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    Exempt Human Specimen (produced by Dimaension X)

    a few albums I produced with a new atmospheric black/death metal band called Exempt Human Specimen Exempt Human Specimen - Self Titled Debut Undfangede - 2nd album (conceptually very loosely based on the film "Begotten" by E. Elias Merhige...
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    Dark Spaces by Dimaension X

    So I managed to kick out another Dimaension X album - called "Dark Spaces" - I probably could have called it "Brain Tree Split, Volume II", since it's in a very similar vein. I played a lot more synth melodies on this one, and some of the songs sounds like they're heavily influenced by Goblin...
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    Brain Tree Split by Dimaension X

    New Dimaension X album called "Brain Tree Split" It's very synth oriented. I've backed the guitars off a bit, and let the synths take over to create some expansive, spacey atmospheres and even some melodies here and there. But fear not, there are plenty of crunchy rhythm guitars, riffing, a few...
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    SUNset TZUnami - "the blackest gift" at YouTube

    SUNset TZUnami's "the blackest gift" album now streaming at YouTube
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    Dimaension X - Plagues of Aegyptus

    New Dimaension X album - "Plagues of Aegyptus" It's basically an epic ambient tribal drone doom metal musical interpretation of the Ten Plagues of Egypt from the Book of Exodus, complete with narration done with a text-to-speech converter...
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    Dimaension X - Plagues of Aegyptus

    New Dimaension X album - "Plagues of Aegyptus" It's basically an epic ambient tribal drone doom metal musical interpretation of the Ten Plagues of Egypt from the Book of Exodus, complete with narration done with a text-to-speech converter...
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    The G.W.E.N. Towers

    And another Dimaension X album ready for freedownload: Dimaension X - The GWEN Towers This album is just all over the place, some totally improvised, some planned out a bit, but mostly lots of loud improvisation. I'm mainly testing out my...
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    2 new Dimaension X albums

    Just posted 2 new albums at the Internet Archive. Yup, two. Been busy, busy, busy lately, and finally completed a few new albums (each is very different from the other) of all new, original music (well, except for one small snippet section, which is a medley of some old familiar classic rock...
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    I finally got the news that a "secret" project that has been in the can since 2007 is finally going to see light! In collaboration with comic illustrator and innovator Matt Howarth, there is a Dimaension X album for sale! I did the music and Matt wrote and illustrated a comic to go with it. Here...
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    Orchestral Maneuvers in the Darkthrone

    OK, I've got a weird one for y'all. I began a project a few years ago, and finally completed it - I've re-arranged and orchestrated Darkthrone's "Transylvanian Hunger" as if for small Chamber Ensemble. Seriously. Here's the link to the download page at the Internet Archive...
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    Drone2012 - new Dimaension X for the noise and drone fans...

    ... and a new Dimaension X album, finally. An experiment in drone-doom-noise. I'm mainly toying with feedback, delays and other effects in real-time. For a lot of this I just propped my guitar up in front of the amp and let it do the work. The final "song" is a "cover-tune" of sorts, but...