Search results

  1. Gadlor

    Best Track on Esoteric

    :rock: Now that the album is officially out, I want to see some freakin' track-by-track commentary on how ballin' it is, yo. What is your favorite track and why? I want details! DEEEEEETAAAAAAAAILS PS: voting for the intro is not funny, but voting for within reach definitely...
  2. Gadlor


    Alright, we've covered most of the good things in life on this forum so far: death metal and video games. Let's get to the last of the holy triumvirate: beer. I like the snooty microbrewery kind, but I promise not to laugh at you if you say Natty Ice. What do you drink and why is it awesome...
  3. Gadlor

    I have found something that might interest you, kind sir

    I was looking around at CD's I wanted to buy today aaaaaaaand - I'm not sure if it's officially supposed to be up there or not, but lookie what I found: let's just say it's delicious and leave it at that. AHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :worship:
  4. Gadlor


    Aeonic - Are you the hobag that set up the Skyfire facebook page? Tell me truly.
  5. Gadlor

    i'm sitting on the floor of my apartment with a bottle of wine

    so i just packed up this past week and moved ten hours to boston. from pittsburgh. i was looking for a job all summer and finally found one here and drove back and forth 8 times to do two interviews and find an apartment and finally move my crap up here. except the apartment wasn't open till...
  6. Gadlor

    Holy shiznizzlebams

    This thread is merely to say, woohoo, it seems the Skyfire forum is alive. Or at least more kickin than it has been in many a year. Rock on Aeonicslumber! You give me yet another website to waste my time upon! :rock:
  7. Gadlor

    releases 2008!

    obviously we, as the holy members of the skyfire message board terror squad, are missing a rather important release for the year of 2008. but with 2/3s of the year past, i am curious to see what everyone has thought of this year of metal and to espouse my own radical opinions on what has ruled...
  8. Gadlor


    So the year is half over. What have you guys found tasty about CDs in 2006? Honestly, I haven't been bowled over too many times this year. I just turned in most of my last paycheck for spankin' new CDs, though, so hopefully I'll find some good stuff. Here's the ones I've been likin' so far...
  9. Gadlor

    Childhood Music / Taste Progression

    I'm relistening to a lot of the stuff I used to hear my dad play when I was somewhere between 8-12 years old...I think what he chose to listen to during those periods is pretty indicative of the sort of music I like to listen to now, at least in spirit if not musical style. What were the sort of...
  10. Gadlor

    A congratulations is in order

    A big fucking hell yes to mr. Gums, who recently got engaged. :kickass: ROCK!!!!
  11. Gadlor


    I just thought I'd share this with you fellows. I'm going to a track meet this weekend (tomorrow, in fact, at 7:00am..waaaay too early) and it's a pretty big one. And the college I go to is not so large, so we don't have a whole crapload of runners/etc. I'm our second-ish best dude at the mile...
  12. Gadlor

    Classic Albums

    What makes a metal album 'classic'? Is there a relatively widely accepted set of classics? What are the CDs you'd list as classic metal albums (in this past decade or so?) For me, classic implies that even after it's been in the market for a substantial time, people are able to appreciate it...
  13. Gadlor

    Recent Reading?

    Just curious - what have you chumalums been reading? I'm always trying to find new stuff to read, whether it be silly power-metal-esque fantasy or actual serious literature. Plus I am intrigued - do people who listen to the same music necessarily read the same sort of thing? I know Gums has...
  14. Gadlor

    merry christmas you tools!

    or, alternatively, merry christmahanukwanzaakah. what'd all you folks do? i sat around my house with alphatemplar and rocked out to my new solefald cd. which i highly recommend. woo woo woo.
  15. Gadlor


    Just curious: where do you guys get your metal-based news at? And for that matter, regular news? My daily internet rounds usually consist of: and for metal, the only decent place I have found is But...
  16. Gadlor

    ...Starcraft anyone?

    Has anyone here ever participated in a playing of this illustrious game? I just discovered it anew this weekend with my roommate and a couple of friends, and the horror of Zerg rush was relearnt again and again. I'm just barrelling through the individual campaign since I'm at work and being...
  17. Gadlor


    I'm curious. Do other countries besides the US celebrate this holiday? And do you guys do it in the 'dress up like random shit, get lots of candy' fashion, or is there more to it? What'd you fellows / what are you fellows preparing to rock out as? I went yesterday as a hula dancer! Look at my...
  18. Gadlor


    So, yea, what I do at my college is computer graphics. I program like a crazy mofo - usually i have like 4 assignments a week! omgzors! But I kind of want to improve my modeling skills + animation, so I thought: what better way to do that then model my fellow Skyfirees? They'll probably be kinda...
  19. Gadlor

    AHHHH Assaulted By Awesome Music

    Hey dudes and dudettes, I just thought you should know, along with some new Skyfire hitting the streets at some point in the future, all these new and groovytastic (I haven't heard them all but I'm getting to it) albums are coming out / are out nowses. Stratovarius - Stratovarius Gamma Ray -...
  20. Gadlor


    I'm wondering if our Swedish compatriots will know who Edgar Allen Poe is - but anyhoo. I am taking a course in American Poetry this semester, and we're reading some Poe poems, and I happen upon "Dream-Land" which contains this: 'By a route obscure and lonely, / Haunted by ill angels only, /...