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  1. deadair

    so, my new tattoo

    alex thinks it looks like this - it kinda does.
  2. deadair

    the last Kayo Dot show in Des Moines

    thanks for trying one more time guys. ...sorry.
  3. deadair

    what's with this place?

    i thought i knew the KD board... but this shit is WAAAAY too on topic to be the KD board.
  4. deadair


    what e-mail do i send money to for the reissues?
  5. deadair

    holy shit in the mail i just got

  6. deadair

    kayo dot in des moines

    they were great, i love the new stuff. the turn out wasn't so hot though... like 18-20 paying. sucks. but that's the midwest on a weekday. it was good to hang out with all the dudes again. here is to hoping that wasn't the last time they play des moines. ...also, ask them about Slider.
  7. deadair

    ITT i'm worried

    because the CD's for Kayo Dot didn't show up yesterday. they better show up today... or they will look at me funny when i show up with empty hands.
  8. deadair

    i talked to greg today

    they still sound like they are having fun... although they played for a bunch of teenagers and one mom last night.
  9. deadair

    how is's Alexa rating so bad?

    i swear, we keep growing but our alexa rating keeps slipping. what's that deal with that shit? avi? and why is crap sites like lostatsea so much bigger than us? the world is upside down. white is black, left is right.
  10. deadair - 100 Albums that Changed Our Lives - Part 1

    check it. we will be adding another 20 everyday this week. talk about it. it's fun.
  11. deadair

    i wore my Kayo Dot shirt for nothing...

    mean football player picture odd look on my face/fat neck picture i better get at least 20 people at the show from those stupid pictures.
  12. deadair

    "call us back...very interested...ta ta for now"

    best message i've gotten in a long time.
  13. deadair

    for all of you

  14. deadair

    you guys like the odd interviews we do.

    i mean, the non typical ones - check it steph did this one, it's a good read.
  15. deadair

    the new sections are up

    never thought this day would come.
  16. deadair

    ITT - we suggest new things should do.

    i'm still trying to come up with as many ideas as i can for new content for the site. i think the random/odd/unique interviews is a good step, but what other articles would you like to see on a site like ours? i'm just trying to come up with anything to break us out of the middle-ground...
  17. deadair

    toby/mia roadtrip

    another corpse plant is blooming... but it's in Wisconsin
  18. deadair

    so our code guy has pretty much fucked us

    it's to the point where steph and i are thinking about paying someone big bucks to redo the whole thing. pretty sweet huh?
  19. deadair

    i have an interview set up with Twiggy today...

    ...and i don't have much prepared. oh well, should be fun anyway.
  20. deadair

    the new IW is up

    we've fixed a few bugss, but there are still some to be found (avi already saw something). if you see something that i messed up let me know (besides images in some older articles being too big, i know about that, i just need to clean those up). otherwise, i hope you enjoy it. also look for...