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  1. P

    hum a question about Hatebreeder album

    i saw on a french site that sell cds and books ( hatebreeder digipak version, but i never heard about it and it's not on the best bodom site ever aka scythes of bodom :grin: so does anyone know something about that ? because i was ready to buy it :loco:
  2. P

    CoB clothes

    my SW tshirt is damn old now , i need a HCD one :) does any of you know when they will start to sell them ?
  3. P

    Will Amon Amarth tour soon ?

    i want to see them so badly :D
  4. P


  5. P

    becoming evil :)

    haha thats so funny
  6. P

    happy new year

    happy new metal year everybody ;) dont forget to driiiiiiiiiiiink tonight :lol:
  7. P

    Tokyo Warhearts

    i just have got it and it's amazing in a few word : if you don't already own it run to find it and buy it
  8. P

    about Warmen

    at least one serious subject :p what are you're thoughts about Warmen ? i am a big fan of COB and i wanted to listen the side project of its member. So i just discovered Janne's one because a friend of mine just gave me an album and it's amazing
  9. P

    off topic : they lied in the contract

    ok i had a deal to become a metalhead so i bought a couple of "extreme metal" as said in the fnac i went to some gig and i even had to bought some new black clothes to be a real pure evil metalhead but they didn't tell me one thing in the contract : it take so much time to wash your brand...
  10. P

    about DT gig in Paris 19th november

    i heard it begin at 22h30 is it true ? if yes i am so happy because i will be able to go does anybody have some info for me ? thx
  11. P

    off topic : i just buy a digital camera

    one of the first photo, made by a friend of mine :) i just wanted to share my enjoyment with you :grin:
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    off-topic thread : i need help

    i need some photos of the lake bodom :) thx in advance
  13. P

    yay new pictures from the recording of the new album

    just go here
  14. P

    i need your help

    ok its time for me to ask you something at school , in communication subject i have to make a homework about a singer or about a sportsman i like. Of course we all know that sport sux so i will choose children of bodom :) i have to choose one song and translate it in my own language. i will...
  15. P

    i want to see CoB live !

    that was my thoughts of the day :rolleyes: i hope they will tour in europe after the next album :cry:
  16. P

    About the new single

    I just wanted to know if the single will be available all over europe or just in scandinavia ? thx cant wait for it any longer :grin: