Search results

  1. Kellii

    How are you promoting your Band or Project in 2018

    Recently I have begun a new online music project and will be promoting it soon. It's very early days yet and as it's just me on my own writing, recording, mixing, making the artwork and promoting, it has become a huge stress trying to figure out where and how to promote music effectively. I...
  2. Kellii

    Need fresh ears for this mix

    As the title says I need some fresh ears and opinions. Not got round to volume automation yet. I'll begin that once the vocals are recorded. Town Mix 100820017.mp3?dl=0 When it is finished I may also post stems if anyone's interested. Thanks guys.
  3. Kellii

    Any Rock vocalists wish to start an online collab?

    So I have moved from Scotland to Germany recently and I'm having a hard time to find people to make music with here. I recently have started writing a lot of rock songs for an EP and I am in need of a dedicated vocalist and lyricist to work with. The style is similar to bands like Ugly Kid...
  4. Kellii

    Clean guitar/indy song(real drums) need advise

    Mixing my friends latest EP. I need advise/ a second opinion as I have listened to it too much and lost all objectivity. Let me know what you think. (second chorus).mp3?dl=0
  5. Kellii

    (Crit)I mixed forum member Anas3188's latest single.

    Check it out guys I recently mixed and mastered Anas3188's latest track "Existance". It's a great track with a lot of shredding guitar solos and a great structure. I would love some constructive criticism of my mix Dave.
  6. Kellii

    Looking to mix a track for free!

    Edit:Sorry guys no longer offering this. Hi guys, I'm looking to mix and master a single original track on the heavier side for free between now and November. I'm looking for more experience in mixing metal as I am used to mixing rock music. The track must be recorded to a good standard...
  7. Kellii

    Looking for band to mix.

    Hi guys, I'm looking to mix and master a single original track on the heavier side for free between now and November. I'm looking for more experience in mixing metal as I am used to mixing rock music. The track must be recorded to a good standard. To a click track,No clipping, Guitar and Bass...
  8. Kellii

    Weird online business I found.

    So I have been searching through musician wanted classifieds when I came across an advert for a dudes business. "Professional Affordable Custom Drum Tracks" The guy says he is using a midi kit and Steven Slate Drums to record drum tracks for any song he's sent and then selling the Stem...
  9. Kellii

    Free Snare Lads!!!

    Update full sample pack: Bought my first Drumkit yesterday and decided to make some snare samples to give something back to the forum! My first time tuning a snare or even making samples. Let know if you use them for...
  10. Kellii

    Learning to Master, Need feedback on this Cover

    So just started attempting to master my tracks recently. I did a cover of a Silent Hill track originally aiming to get it as close to the original as possible. I then decided to Add in other instruments to change it up a little. Any feedback would be much appreciated as I both mixed and...
  11. Kellii

    Need help with bands mix.

    So I have been working on this song for ages. It has got to the point where I am sick of hearing the song and hate every aspect of the mix. I really, really need a fresh set of ears on this one so rip it apart...
  12. Kellii

    Feed back on AA cover mix

    I don't usually post here but I though it would be a better place for this particular mix I started a cover of The Death of Me by Asking Alexandria. I have just bounced down the intro to get a quick opinion on the mix before I continue with the rest. Let me know what you think, Hopefully...
  13. Kellii

    Anyone recorded a Dimebucker pickup?

    So I recently put a dimebucker in my FR320 to try it out. It seems to have the most piercing high end I've heard from a pickup (gets painful at times)but has more stable low end and less mud than the original FR pickup. Here's a wee clip(Updated Clip)...
  14. Kellii

    Ep intro (Gn'R style band) And youtube channel

    Started a new youtube channel for a Rock project I've started.For fans for Velvet Revolver, Guns n's Roses, Clutch,etc... Not the heaviest project but let me know what you think about the mix. I'll try and upload a better quality version soon. I'll upload a better quality version soon so it...
  15. Kellii

    Silent hill 2 Theme of Laura Reprise cover

    So guys I did a cover of the "Theme of Laura (Reprise)" by Akira Yamaoka. Felt like dorking out as I had today off. Let me know what you think. Soundcloud: Youtube (in case you prefer it)...
  16. Kellii

    Recently mixed my friends solo project

    Check it out. He played all guitars, lead vocals and programmed the drums, I played bass and the screams where my our friend Scott. Let me know what ya think.
  17. Kellii

    Any one know anything about this Tobias Lindell production?

    *Edit:After Crillmannen Told me Tobias Lindell was a mod at the Gearslutz I snooped about there and found some info on him. I've included a few goo links I've found in case anyone else is interested.* I've posted before asking about this kick, I've had this album since it came out and the more...
  18. Kellii

    I have some questions for Clean vocalists

    I have recently recorded instruments for an Ep and plan on recording vocals soon. I have recorded demo vocals and will be doing all the recording on my own with no assistance. I have tried loads of different styles of vocals (Harsh vocals go out of key, In key vocals sound a bit karaoke/...
  19. Kellii

    Steven Slate Toms help

    Been trying to avoid posting this for weeks but now I've gave up. Anyone got any good tips for SSD 4's Toms? Doesn't matter what set ,I just can't get a decent sound.I really really dislike them! They have a massive low end resonance right where You would boost ordinary toms and the...
  20. Kellii

    Anyone using cubase AmpRack?

    So Been using cubase Amprack to make some tones. I was wondering if anyone uses it and how to improve it? (B and C in sound cloud link are Cubase Amp Rack ). I was also wondering which of these guitar tones you prefer? I feel like they...