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  1. Fabrice

    Norther quits Sad news :(
  2. Fabrice

    Emmi's appreciation thread

  3. Fabrice

    The Ensiferum's Gear Thread

    This thread is for you gear nerds!
  4. Fabrice

    Editing : Am I doing this right? - good singer inside

    Hi! I try to do some voice editing, and I would know, if I am doing this in the right way. So, is this voice track still natural sounding with the good amount of editing (time and loudness editing).
  5. Fabrice

    George Massenburg drums miking technique

    Maybe this video can help some of you.
  6. Fabrice

    Some advices on Symphonic Metal mix

    Here is the mix that i have done for the first demo of my band : or I think that the mix of the song "Pure in Heart" is the best. It will be nice, if you can tell me the ugliest defects of my mix. (Or all if...
  7. Fabrice

    Bass strings and picks

    Hei! What is your favorite strings and picks for bass? In my case, for a 34" bass tuned in E standard, yours case can be also interesting. (Please, excuse my poor English).
  8. Fabrice

    5150 III EVH Issue?

    Hi! A friend has a problem with his 5150 III EVH: the blue "pumps" abnormaly. This is not the poweramp (already tried with the poweramp with a Randall V2, and only the Randall trough the speaker cab), and surely not the valves (an other set of valves has been tried). My friend has made a...