Search results

  1. AlexanderWhitebeard

    German Metal Shows

    I used to check sites like Blabbermouth and local venue websites to find out about tours that come close enough to me to check out, but it's gotten to where this forum has all the info and updates I need. That said, I'm going to German this summer to catch Wacken. I'll be in Berlin for about a...
  2. AlexanderWhitebeard

    Where are the Kingcrow albums???

    I love Phlegethon. A lot. But I've scoured the web for the other Kingcrow album and have found NOTHING. A lot of the labels that released them are defunct. Has anyone else been able to find their stuff somewhere??
  3. AlexanderWhitebeard

    Salvacion - Give us some feedback!

    Hey everyone! My name's Dan. I'm new to the forums, but I've been going to ProgPower fairly regularly since III back in '02. I'm gonna be a shameless self promoter and ask you all to check out our band, Salvacion. It's old school, classic metal/rock. Give us some feedback! I'd appreciate it a...