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  1. wullief

    Rugby or Football(American Style) or Aussie rules

    Dear members of the board i am putting up this poll to see what people think is the best rough and tumble game. put up your comments as to why you think they are the hardest game. By hardest i dont mean its a complicated game to understand i mean the guys that do it are well hard. Rugby gets...
  2. wullief

    Kerrap awards nominees

    folks go to the following website and see the nominees for the kerrap awards. Anthrax are nowhere to be seen but we will let you guys post comments on what is in there. my views. pile of tosh
  3. wullief

    Never posted here yet

    Well i aint posted on these general boards so now is as good a time as any. Fav bands: Too many to name but anthrax and anathema are two of my favs Sports: I do the highland games which means i do toss my fifteen foot long caber. Track and field athletics. Getting out my tree on the...
  4. wullief

    Similarities between Mortal Kombat film and Joey

    While watching the Mortal Kombat film at the weekend i couldnt help but notice that the dude the played liu kang (was that his name) had the same haircut and skin shade as mr belladonna. Was this actor a devoted follower or was the film/game creator an anthrax fan?? i leave you guys to...
  5. wullief

    lost the fecking ticket

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh i lost my fucking ticket to the gig tonight at the garage in glasgow. Had it when i left uni, when i went to leave the pub i lost the fucking ticket. I am fucking gutted and severely pissed off. To make me feel better have any of the...
  6. wullief

    O/T St Anger the song a let down?

    I know this has probably been up before but i was at my mates watching the rock video channel kerrangtv and up came st anger. To be honest i was excited at first as i do like metallica (i even enjoyed load for crying out loud) but i was fairly disappointed with the song it was too stop and start...
  7. wullief

    O/T Pictures of the band in the local rock pubs

    Just a wee thing that has popped into my head. Does the band when they are on tour visit the local rock bars? For instance if the band were playing in Glasgow would they go to the solid rock or rufus t firefly. And if so do photos exist?
  8. wullief

    O/T Its about SoE hologram sticker

    Dont know if anybody has done this on the thread before but heres my question. A few years back (98) i made a purchase of SoE the cd version(i already had the tape). And i noticed it had a hologram sticker in the cd very similar to the album cover. What does anyone know about this 'promotion' is...
  9. wullief

    The intro page to the site

    Well folks i logged in to the site this morning and was well impressed with the graphics on the new intro page to the anthrax site. If this is what it is going to be like if the main site gets a revamp then i think it might well be band website of the year. Your thoughts?
  10. wullief

    O/T Charlie Lookalike

    After reading the latest blast beat when the fuys were in milan. That foxy lady from lacuna coil said that charlie looked like one of her favourite football players. The only player that i can think of that looks like him is Rino Gattuso. Heres a pic and make up your own minds folks.
  11. wullief

    Toast to the extras

    Heres the first thread ive started Im just listening to Vol 8 at the moment and i just got one question which has probably came up loads of times. Who are the guys in the background singing 'captain of our ship' as one of them sounds scottish. Just a curiosity thread this one.