Search results

  1. Nico16

    New Album leaked

  2. Nico16

    New Material

    Hey Kari, in the news section you said that you're planning on recording the next album in about half a year from now. Do you already know how the new stuff compares to everything else you did so far? (i.e. will it be faster/slower/more or less complex?) Or is it too early to tell? I'm...
  3. Nico16

    Guitar tuning question!

    For quite some time I've been struggling to find out what tuning you guys are using... :) Do you simply play in standard EADGBE or in some alternative tuning? Because a lot of stuff doesn't sound standard to me, if you get what I mean (and it doesn't sound "cliché metal-style downtuned"...
  4. Nico16

    Finally... a new Amaran interview!!

    'morning...I just stumbled across a relatively new interview with Robin, while I was surfing around. It's the first Amaran interview I've seen since more than one year ago or something :Spin: Here it is: (haven't even read it...
  5. Nico16

    Favourite song from PiB

    Ok, I guess most of those who have already bought the new album should've listened to it enough to be able to name some of their favourite songs... Should be very hard to choose because it's the same as with AWD; the songs all seem to be equally least to me ;) But well, my current...
  6. Nico16

    Happy Birthday Newflesh!!

    :hotjump: :hotjump: Heavy Birthday Kari!! :hotjump: :hotjump: Hope you have a nice one! :rock: ...and don't drink too're supposed to do that while being on tour :p
  7. Nico16

    The songwriting process for PIB

    I'm just curious about how the songwriting process went for the new album: were all of the songs composed after you recorded AWD, or did you use some older stuff that didn't make it onto AWD as well? And were there any songs that you finished just shortly before the recordings or was everything...
  8. Nico16

    Cryptopsy without a vocalist.

    I heard Cryptopsy are searching for a new vocalist AGAIN. The last guy who only appeared on the live-album, is out again. I wonder WTF those guys are doing - I mean, they already have three ex-vocalists. I guess in 10 years everybody and his dog will have already sung for Cryptopsy at least a...
  9. Nico16

    Yet Another Poll... :P

    OK, we already had some Crimson vs. Moontower polls in the past... but this time it's Crimson vs. Moontower vs. Crimson 2 ...I'm really curious about the results :)
  10. Nico16

    Farmakon - the black sheep?

    I just realized that I've got albums from 9 different Finnish bands - but out of those bands, Farmakon is the only one that doesn't use keyboards. Keep that punk attitude, guys!!
  11. Nico16

    I am crazy.

    I guess I'm insane or something... last year I saw the limited edition of Terria in a shop, but didn't have the money to buy it. When I had enough money, it was already sold, so I had to order the normal edition. ...but now I've found a mailorder that still has the ltd. edition in stock...and...
  12. Nico16

    The Prism

    I've been wondering for some time now why you didn't record an album-version of The Prism... It's my second favourite song of your demo...well at least my second fave from those demo songs you put online; I listened to that one a lot last year. Oh well. Hm, the demo version is good enough...
  13. Nico16

    damn military service.

    In a few hours I'll have to undergo a body-checkup so that the army knows, if I'm suited for the military service here. I almost didn't eat anything over the last week in order to loose more that my chances are higher that they won't take me (they only need about 2/3 of all people...
  14. Nico16

    Do you want a Farmakon tour?

    Do YOU want to see Farmakon live on tour?! I do. I want them to play everything from AWG and some Edge of Sanity covers or something. But I know that won't least not in the near future...
  15. Nico16

    "Whine Your Ass Off Thread" pt. II

    I just saw your album in a store around the corner...they've got two copies...BUT I'VE GOT NO MONEY :erk: aaaarrrggghhhh....what can I do?!! I've got only about € 2.- but I need € 17.- and I won't get more cash until in a few weeks... This sucks....this is one of the worst feelings ever: they...
  16. Nico16

    Your favourite AWD song...

    ...just wondered what most people consider their favourite Amaran song from's so damn hard to pick a fave! In my case it changes all the time, but I guess it's either Littly Victory, Rusty Warhorse or Karma in Flesh...
  17. Nico16

    Ronnie 2.0

    I'm just curious...what have you been playing longer - bass or drums? And do you play with your hands or with a pick like Micke did? Must be hard task to replace one of my favourite bassists ;) (I know from those tabs that Micke wrote that some parts of the AWD songs are friggin hard :cool: )
  18. Nico16

    reversed (left/right) playing...

    I just wondered if there are any left-handed bass players on this board who play "normal" (right-handed) basses? Or even vice-versa (I've heard of some people who play leftys although they're right-handed :)) (yes, I've got nothing better to do except asking stupid questions :loco: )
  19. Nico16

    Devin's TERRIA commentary...

    Does anyone of you have a MP3ed version or maybe a transcription of this commentary that came with the limited version of Terria? I'm dying to hear it... (I don't have the ltd. edition - I didn't have any money when I saw it in the shop and two days later it was gone...) I already scanned the...
  20. Nico16

    Happy Birthday...

    LAZARE!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: