Search results

  1. ThXinc

    Loft at the Artmore

    One of our roomies just NOW disclosed he wasn't staying with us. Therefore, we have ONE space available if anyone is interested in staying in PPUSA central, likely with a view of the courtyard. 60.00 bucks a night...I arrive on Wed. Freshest coffee in the whole place too! :loco: Grindin our...
  2. ThXinc

    LF Thursday Nightwish/Kamelot ticket

    If anyone needs to unload one...hit me up.:rock:
  3. ThXinc

    Kilt night

    Ok, this is the last year I'm gonna propose this. Since the ladies get to play dress up, why can't the guys step out of the cliched concert shirt and jeans for just one day a year? I've been thinking of purging the leather kilt from my suitcase this year unless a viable interest comes forth...
  4. ThXinc

    Heirs to the DT throne?

    Today, I stand before you as a humble and grateful DT fan. My world changed in 1992. So did the music scene. SO many bands since then and now more than ever can we wonder what Prog Metal would be without DT to save us from Grunge....and Madonna. Oh and that guy with baggy pants, but..anyhoo...
  5. ThXinc

    Taxi service in and around Midtown

    I've seen some info posted on this before but can't seem to relocate it. Who might have some good inside info on the best taxi service to use around the Midtown area. ? I googled it, but there's just too many. Want to know who may some experience or qualified info on this inquiry and can...
  6. ThXinc

    Hurricane season

  7. ThXinc

    Hurricane season

    Not to be a Debbie downer... But not this again....keep your eyes on the weather and leave room in your bags for your rain's gonna be a close call...:guh: Katia is on track to hit the lower East coast in about 12 days. It's a little too early to tell, but I was amazed at how well the...
  8. ThXinc

    Kilt night?

    Why should all the ladies to get have all the fun? I missed the last couple years, but wonder if the Friday night tradition has bled over into the guy's side of things. Why can't we play dress-up too? I've been working on a 'Steampunk' outfit for participation in local gatherings, and with a...
  9. ThXinc

    Player help

    I have since moved and probably acquired a new IP and ISP. Now my link to listen doesn't work in Winamp. I've copied as pasted the URL to Winamp with no result. It just keeps trying to connect. Any ideas what I can do to get back to rockin' with BEC?
  10. ThXinc


    Are there any festival shirts being made available? What about band swag! Any previews?
  11. ThXinc

    Any PPV DVD's left over?

    The leftovers were to be finished here? I need another. :rock:
  12. ThXinc

    Look what I found!! LOL!!

    Caption this?
  13. ThXinc

    Swag shipping

    Since we can't load up our backpacks this year with goodies, is there a post office nearby that area? I might just ship my haul back to myself instead of packing it. Additionally, will there be plastic bags and the like available to haul our stuff around with and being able to run it back to...
  14. ThXinc

    What happened to the Fairfield Inn?

    ...and which hotel is it's equivilent if they've changed names? I like it there.
  15. ThXinc

    Fill out your surveys!!!!

    I got a follow up survey request from the travel booking agent I used to get my room at the Fairfield. The environment the Fairfield provides makes the weekend that much more enjoyable. Family environment for us metal heads! The patience, understanding and service they provide is 2nd to none...
  16. ThXinc

    How many Texas peeps were there?! 2nd date?

    I ran into MANY! I would estimate that I met at least 15 - 20 and then there's many more that I didn't meet that post in the limited forums I visit. There's gotta be even more beyond that. I eventually envision a need for a 2nd date for PP at the rate this thing is growing! Hey Glenn...
  17. ThXinc

    Digital Beer Cam! Help with pics

    Hello everyone. Some of you may remember my sob story of dropping my new 500.00 camera into my beer. ( a classic PP moment ) It happened last year too. Kinda. Anyway, if any of you have any band shots or pics of me that you may have taken, I would MUCH appreciate some help in filling up my PPV...
  18. ThXinc

    PPV Cheers and Jeers thread

    FOr those of you who went: Post yours CHeers: Glenn Harveston - The encore (curtain call) for him was great! Reason should be understood. MandaX - For sharing her remaining beers and 'Pita pieces' with the Fairfield Post-show party folks ( nice collection of empties too ) Andy Frank - For...
  19. ThXinc

    Kamelot appreciation thread!

    In order to get my \m/ -face on in a most righteous manner, I've been collecting all recordings from this years' PPV. I was unfamiliar with Kamelot until just about 3 weeks ago. I've since acquired all their releases and I have to ask myself...When does it stop??!! Are there any bands that...
  20. ThXinc


    Here is a chance to lay out some of your thanks, rants and drinks for people or things that made your PPIV experience what it was. CHEERS: First, to the man himself...Glenn H.!!! What an event. It's practically perfect. Your dedication to the music, the fans and the bands is 2nd to none...