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  1. J

    Prog Power 7 Pics (Day 1 so far)

    Well between travel, work, and various other distractions I've had very little time to work on my PP7 pictures but I finally finished with the first half so I figured I'd go ahead and post them. Didn't edit as many this year, just not as much time. Anyway here's Day 1, I'll post an update when I...
  2. J

    Thunderstone - Tools of Destruction

    Just got this CD and have been listening to it a few times. Is it just me or is this a better Masterplan-style album than Aeronautica? I mean if somebody had leaked this on the net as a new Masterplan CD, I totally would have believed it. I found Aeronautica disappointing, but Tools of...
  3. J

    Pictures from ProgPower 6

    Some pictures from Symphorce's performance at Prog Power 6 in Atlanta a few weeks back for your enjoyment.
  4. J

    Pictures from ProgPower 6

    Some pictures for those interested. It was a great performance, definitely one of the highlights of the weekend for us.
  5. J

    Yet another Pictures thread

    Well, the great thing about a digital camera is that you can take as many pictures you want. The not-so-great thing is that when you get home from a trip you realize that you have 800 or so pictures to sort through looking for keepers. :) So far I've only gone through pics for 3 of the bands...
  6. J

    Question for you Rage Fans...

    OK, I'm trying to familiarize myself with some of the PP4 bands that I've never really listened to in the past, so I picked up a 3-pack of Rage CD's that was priced pretty cheap at Amazon. It included Lingua Mortis, Ghosts, and XIII. Initial impression is that the CD's are pretty good. I...