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  1. End of Glory

    The Political & Philosophy Thread

    Couldn't really find a thread for this so I thought we could have one to discuss politics, philosophical views and society things.
  2. End of Glory

    Some of your favorite Death Metal albums.

    So which is some of your favorite Death Metal albums? I love Death Metal and would like to find something I haven't heard before. Maybe some of your favorites will catch my interest. Well right now I've recently been playing these 3 albums a lot so I guess they're my favorites right now...
  3. End of Glory

    Loudwire's top 10 death metal band list. Sometimes I wonder who's creating this list... So many bands that are missing/should be there instead.
  4. End of Glory

    Looking for Stabbed Beyond All Recognition.

    It's a very small chance but if anyone have the Festering Remains - Stabbed Beyond All Recognition EP and are thinking about to sell it, I would like to buy it.