Search results

  1. theodyssey

    Why is Stride so horrible?

    So i got the new Stride disc in the mail yesterday for review. Good thing i didn't drop any hard earned bucks on it. This has to be one of the most overrated bands i have ever heard of. I mean, it's not that they are any worse than any other pretentious, boring prog band, but the fact that...
  2. theodyssey

    OT: So... who remembers this?

  3. theodyssey

    Important SymX related question!!!

    Hey all. Some of you remember me as that asshole who used to post here. Haha, i'm back bitches! Since i've been out of the loop for some time, i've got some important questions... What's everyone's favorite beer? Currently, i'm rockin' the Alaskan Amber (don't know how far it's exported...
  4. theodyssey


    Alright, due to the recent flood of jerkoffs with no concept of oppinion or can't take a debate unless everyone agrees with them, i'm done here. Jax, you rule, i'll probly hit you up on Aim sometime. The two amandas, the two matts, carys, and many others, i will be sure to chat to y'all on msn...
  5. theodyssey

    Rodney Dangerfield

  6. theodyssey

    Age of Silence

    I don't remember seeing mention of this band on the forum here. I know there are a lot of proggies here, so to all of you, you will eat this shit up. hell, i loved it after hearing it a few times. My review can be read at the link below.
  7. theodyssey

    Best movie of the year...

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Hands down. Fuck, this movie rules! I am not a huge RE nerd, but FUCK! This movie RULES!
  8. theodyssey

    50 ways to annoy metal fans

    1. Tell them every metal band worships the devil. 2. Ask if all black metal bands are trying to copy KISS or just most of them. 3. Hide their joint under their library card. 4. Ask if they know of any other cool bands like Slipknot. 5. If they're listening to metal, tell them it sounds like...
  9. theodyssey

    You have bad taste in music this is some funny shit. check it out.
  10. theodyssey

    IMPORTANT!!! New posting rules!!!
  11. theodyssey

    Retarded fucks...

    It's a bit of a long read, but check out what the fuck we have going on in seattle now...
  12. theodyssey

    Latest Hauls?

    Yeah, there's another thread for this, but eh... lazyness is awesome. I just went to germany, so i got a big haul. Here we go... After Forever - Invisible Circles (Digibook) Apocalyptica - Reflections revisited (thecd with more shit and bonus dvd, digipak) Ayreon - Universal Migrator special...
  13. theodyssey

    Haggard: Eppur Si Muove

    For those of you who haven't checked out Haggard... get off your ass. The new disc is as good of a place to start as any. It reams Awaking the Century's ass. It's one of the better discs i've heard, prolly gonna be in my year's top ten. Anyone else heard it?
  14. theodyssey

    New-ish James Murphy interview

    Hey all, Zach from the webzine Abrasive Rock here. I did an interview with James a few weeks back and it has been posted at this location. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!
  15. theodyssey

    Epic songs

    Hey guys, I am back and I want to talk about epic songs. Not specifically symphony x songs per se and DEFINATELY not your favorite symx epic poll :lol: While in germany I bought venom's 'At War with Satan' and have been digging on it. Now the question: what makes epics good and, well, epic...
  16. theodyssey

    Yearly Pilgramige

    I think i spelled that wrong. Anyhow, tomorrow morning I am off to Germany for the Wacken Open Air festival. It's going to be a killer line-up this year, looking forward to it. I'll be back around the 16th, but until then you guys will be Zach free. Have fun while it lasts!
  17. theodyssey


    I don't know if anyone here has heard their old stuff. Apparently the first disc, Predominance, was very black metal influenced. Following that, you have Vindication which got away from that a bit. Now we have Unlimited which is, in my oppinion, THE best disc of the year hands down. It is...
  18. theodyssey

    Coven: The best band ever!

    I am listening to my copy of Blessed is the Black by a band called Coven, an 80's thrash band who just kicks ass! Think Early Megadeth/Testament mixed with early Mercyful Fate. They have the best lyrics ever too. A few songs from Blessed is the Black: Six six sixty nine, copulation with a...
  19. theodyssey

    Into Eternity interview

    Another writer for the Abrasive Rock webzine interviewed Tim Roth from Into Eternity, and that can be viewed by Clicking Here. Let us know what you think! Enjoy!
  20. theodyssey

    Into Eternity interview

    Like i have said, not a big fan of the band, but another writer interviewed Tim Roth and it is up on Abrasive Rock tonight. Check it out by clicking here.