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  1. Borkdude

    PRESS RELEASE: Picture of the Moon release additional song on the web

    Dutch progmetal band PICTURE OF THE MOON celebrate their sixth anniversary this month. In September 2001 the band started to form on the grounds of University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands). To celebrate this they decided to release an additional entire song on the web from their newest...
  2. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon release additional song on the web

    Dutch progmetal band PICTURE OF THE MOON celebrate their sixth anniversary this month. In September 2001 the band started to form on the grounds of University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands). To celebrate this they decided to release an additional entire song on the web from their newest...
  3. Borkdude


    Hello all, We got a new forum offered by Progbase which we happily accepted. Visit it at All discussions are continued there. We thank Ultimate Forums for their service and wish them good luck!
  4. Borkdude

    Newsletter as of 16.04.2006

    Read the newsletter as of 16.04.2007 here: To receive these updates automatically please join our mailing list on our website:
  5. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon - newsletter April 10, 2007

    PICTURE OF THE MOON NEWSLETTER APRIL 10, 2007 To receive this newsletter automatically sign up at our website Beste vrienden // Dear friends, Deze nieuwsbrief is een reminder voor onze CD Presentatie komende zaterdag 14 april en het radio interview morgenavond, 11...
  6. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon CD Presentatie 14 april 2007 Atak Enschede

    zaterdag 14 april Atak, Enschede, aanvang 20:30, entree €5,-, prog/heavy/melodic metal Picture of the Moon CD Presentatie: Ageless Day Picture of the Moon is een progressive metalband uit Enschede. Eind 2006 namen zij hun nieuwe EP getiteld Ageless Day op onder de hoede van producer Joost...
  7. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon CD Presentatie 14 april 2007 Atak Enschede

    zaterdag 14 april Atak, Enschede, aanvang 20:30, entree €5,-, prog/heavy/melodic metal Picture of the Moon CD Presentatie: Ageless Day Picture of the Moon is een progressive metalband uit Enschede. Eind 2006 namen zij hun nieuwe EP getiteld Ageless Day op onder de hoede van producer Joost...
  8. Borkdude


    PICTURE OF THE MOON NIEUWSBRIEF 30 MAART 2007 (NL) Hallo iedereen! Er is weer heel wat gaande in POTM-land. Hierbij een rijtje updates! Geef het natuurlijk door aan mensen waarvan je denkt dat ze hier interesse in hebben. Uiteraard hebben jullie al gehoord dat wij op 14 April een CD...
  9. Borkdude


    Press release: PICTURE OF THE MOON signs EP deal with DARK BALANCE Its seems the metal world can welcome a new label: DARK BALANCE, based in The Netherlands. The label wants to support upcoming artists/bands if their quality of music is worth noticing.Since the label is all about metal without...
  10. Borkdude

    song added to our discography and MySpace site!

    The titlesong of our forthcoming EP, Ageless Day, was added to our discography and MySpace site!
  11. Borkdude

    progmetal band from NL searches new leadguitarist

    Gevraagd: nieuwe leadgitarist Picture of the Moon De progressive metal band Picture of the Moon uit Enschede is op zoek naar een nieuwe leadgitarist. Vanwege tijdgebrek zal onze huidige leadgitarist geleidelijk aan zijn taken overdragen aan de nieuwe in te werken leadgitarist en wie weet ben...
  12. Borkdude

    progmetal band from NL searches new leadguitarist (in Dutch)

    Gitarist gevonden
  13. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon - CD Presentatie Ageless Day - 14 April 2007 Atak Enschede

    zaterdag 14 april | Atak, Enschede Picture of the Moon CD Presentatie: Ageless Day Picture of the Moon is een progressive metalband uit Enschede. Eind 2006 namen zij hun nieuwe EP getiteld Ageless Day op onder de hoede van producer Joost van den Broek (After Forever). De band bestaat sinds 2001...
  14. Borkdude

    New POTM EP in radio show podcast ONLY this week!

    Ageless Day can be heard in the radio show of Frans Keylard: Rogues' Gallery this week. Rogues’ Gallery on The Dividing Line: The Ultimate Progressive Rock Internet Radio Experience Michiel
  15. Borkdude

    press release Picture of the Moon 20th of October 2006

    Press release: The Dutch progressive metalband Picture of the Moon will start recording their new CD Ageless Day end of November 2006. The CD will be produced by Joost van den Broek (After Forever) and will contain four songs: Black Roses, No Break Space, Depth and Ageless Day...
  16. Borkdude

    Frans and Nienke, congratulations

    ... and good with your future as a wedded couple!
  17. Borkdude

    website updated | New show

    This is the latest news e-mail from the POTM mailing list. If you want to subscribe go to: here (English text below) Beste POTM vrienden en vriendinnen, Hierbij enkele updates van de website en een aankondiging van onze volgende live show. * 2 Wallpapers downloadbaar * Video...
  18. Borkdude

    looking forward

    Just wanted to say that I am looking forward to the new stuff of the "new Sun Caged"! The influences that Paul mentions seem very good to me and also I heard some sample of Wooden Badger which sounded nice. Also I would certainly hear the playing of the new keyman. Most of all I have...
  19. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon - samples from the first official recordings

    Hi guyz, My band has a mini-cd/demo coming out called "Waxing Crescent". You can listen to some samples and even a full song here: Dutchies -> you can vote on this site for us here...
  20. Borkdude

    Picture of the Moon - samples from the first official recordings

    Sorry if I posted on the wrong forum. As a self-promotor I made a new thread right here: You might as well remove this now.