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  1. Arg_Hamster

    Time to weed out the posers again.

    The trüe facts for the trüe fans have been updated.
  2. Arg_Hamster

    Faith No More - fuck yes!;_ylt=AkGHVfIA6Q4B0o7U.Bnkb4mVEhkF :cool:
  3. Arg_Hamster

    R.I.P. Paul Raven

    He will be missed.
  4. Arg_Hamster

    For all the nerds here! Games that suck ass!

    Some of you know about The Angry Nintendo Nerd James Rolfe. They guy who takes your cherished childhood NES and Sega-games and rips the shit out of those piece of fartfuck shitgames! Enjoy his Rocky review! And check out his...
  5. Arg_Hamster

    Sweden - the snabbmat nation!

    The comedian Henrik Schyffert speaks swenglish on behalf of Svenskt Näringsliv about fast food. Hope you understand some of it! :)
  6. Arg_Hamster

    Move over Betty, Jenny and Roselyn.

    I´d buy THAT for a dollar.
  7. Arg_Hamster

    The Hoffs hang-over pizza. Enjoy!
  8. Arg_Hamster

    Ever wanna fuck Sonic?

    Then this currently disbanded place is for you.
  9. Arg_Hamster

    OT: Fight for Garbachev! Let Drago teach the punks a lesson or three! Enjoy! Gotta go, "My name is Earl" is about to start.
  10. Arg_Hamster


    A Swedish band that make hippie-versions of metal classics.
  11. Arg_Hamster

    Ballad of James Brown

    I feel good, you know that I... am DEAD!
  12. Arg_Hamster

    Merry Christmas!

    The Hamster wishes you happy holidays! Myself, I´ll probably be able to be home and not work so much this Christmas! :)
  13. Arg_Hamster

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy holidays to you all! Cheers! :kickass:
  14. Arg_Hamster

    Ballad of Pinochet

    Na nan na... YOU`RE DEAD! He´s in a very hot place right now getting his fudge packed.
  15. Arg_Hamster

    Wish I could have been there.

    This is a sweet clip from Dynamo in 93. ENJOY! YouTube - Anthrax - Room For One More (Live at Dynamo Open Air' 93)
  16. Arg_Hamster

    Farväl mr. Hussein!

    In a year or two he´ll be feeding the crows in Bagdad.
  17. Arg_Hamster

    Ballad of Saddam Hussein!

    Will there be one on the last MOD-record? Na na na YOU´RE DEAD! (Yes, we liberal Europeans hate people too) :heh:
  18. Arg_Hamster

    Return of the Hamster

    I´m back. Norwegian TV interviewed Julio, he said Jimmy Hoffa is still in the band. Whowuddathunkit? Have I missed any gossip about the band and album-rumours?
  19. Arg_Hamster

    I´m out of here.

    Yes, that´s right, I´m leaving. Going to northern Norway to see if I can make some money so I´ll be gone a couple of months depending on how much work there is. See yah!
  20. Arg_Hamster

    Back from Ministry!

    Saw Ministry last night. Really good show but not stellar. I love the "Houses Of The Molé" and "Rio Grande Blood" (my album of the year so far). They played a shitload from those two with some of the oldies. Paul Raven is on bass-duty for this tour and he fucking rules! If Homo Sapiens were...