Search results

  1. N

    In the fishtank

    Here's just a recommendation for anyone of you who doesn't know it already. "In the fishtank" is a project where 2 bands jam together and write a couple of songs and record them during a few days..... just follow the link. there's everything about the project and which bands already recorded...
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    35007 / Comets on Fire

    Anyone heard Avatar by Comets on Fire or Phase V by tha band 35007. I highly recommend those two CDs, they are some kinda free-rock/psychedelic stuff. (hopefully it'll get NFU approvement *g) The two CDs were released this year and last year. I was just curious if anyone else knows one of...
  3. N

    Finally music from me

    Well, finally I'll post some music I've recorded with my band Beneath Flowers. I won't give any further subscriptions because afterwards everyone would just flame me because it's not progressive in their opinion etc. It's some kind of teaser of our new Demo CD called "to Dispel". So here we...
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    Tommy Emmanuel

    Just wanted to hear some of your opinions.......IMO he's just awesome, he's got such a great feeling for tones, an awesome technique and also writes great accoustic music.....and it's such a fun watching him play: :hypno: :
  5. N


    Hi, I just wondered if you guys know the awesome band Disillusion from germany. Their album "Back to Times of Splendor" was IMO one of the best releases of 2004. Hmmm they play some kind of progMetal, somewhere between Opeth and Dream Theater.....hmm perhaps*g......but its not easy to find a...
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    Godspeed you black Emperor

    I'm trying to get into GYBE ........ are there any songs or albums you'd recommend me to start with......... ?
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    Mikael & Kayo Dot (Maudlin of the Well)

    Does anybody know what Mikael thinks about Kayo Dot (Maudlin of the Well)? Wasn't there a thread long long time ago?............
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    Weakness Tabs

    I think I can remember tabs for weakness floating around some time ago.... But I can't find them ....... could someone please post them again?
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    Dark Suns - Swanlike

    Has anyone else ever heard of this band called Dark Suns? Just visit their site They sound pretty well even if the spelling sometimes isn't alright, but i'd say it's worth a look.
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    Greetings !

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone as a new member at this forum. I visit this forum now daily for about half a year. So I thought why not to registrate. Just something about me: I listen to Opeth for 5 years now. I nearly play the whole day guitar (playing for about 6 or 7 years) and...