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  1. M

    The PR Strikes Back

    I found this which is worth reading if you have an amazon account. Log-in and click on the link below. Its worth reading. It's a letter from a PR guy to Biff..... and what a bloody long link it is! Entitled: Biff Byford - Legend in his own chain mail...
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    Any cat lovers on here? :OMG:
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    World Record attempt - Update.

    Looks as if it all went as we thought it might.
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    Not sure about this one. Apparently the live at donnington which was released in the uk wasn't the full show. It could/should have been: 1. "Motorcycle Man" (3:42) 2. "Still Fit to Boogie" (2:42) 3. "Freeway Mad" (2:24) 4. "Backs to the Wall" (3:24) 5. "Wheels of Steel" (4:23) 6...
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    American T-Shirts.

    Someone asked about american shirts a while back. Just stumbled on this merchandise site, so maybe these are the tour shirts which will be available.
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    Ronnie Barker {RIP}

    RIP - You WILL be missed.
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    Old Saxon songs - TO BE PLAYED LIVE!!!

    Ok Guys and Gals.... If there is a split concert of the early stuff and later stuff.... Pick your 5 songs.... fook that make it 7, there are so many, actually make it as many as you want.... (god it's 2am and I'm steamingly drunk) I'll start with in no order as right now as it makes no...
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    Where did it come from?

    This got me thinking, after listening to a lot of live albums recently.... and a few beers today confused me. "Eagle has landed" live album. Track - "Wheels of Fookin' Steel" After the solo... Crowd goes "Whoa-ho oh Whoa oh" (agreed gramatically and phoenetically maybe incorrect, but under...
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    Top 5 worst Saxon songs.

    Pissed again but I thought it would be interesting. Being honest, and whilst everything in the Saxon garden has been rosy for the last few years, what album songs should never have seen the light of day? I'm going for in no particular order: 1) Empty promises 2) You aint no angel 3)...
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    Firefest - Bradford.

    Anyone off the board going next weekend, or is it just me? SOUL SIRKUS (who?) TNT (It would be interesting to see if Ronnie Le Tekro is as good as he's supposed to be) FIREHOUSE (who?) PINK CREAM 69 (Will be the band of the night, class hard rock) DARE (Enough said.... Class...
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    Whats that song? Just enter Saxon or any other metal band and test yourself.
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    New Saxon tribute album.

    Just had a quick look around Rockdetector and found this. Looks interesting, it cant be any worse than the last one, can it?,
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    Rock and Metal Band fonts.

    Came across this on the internet today, dont know if its of use to anyone, but its an interesting collection of band fonts you can download to your pc.
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    RIP "Metalhead" John Peel DJ.

    Farewell to one of the most influencial rock Dj's and a hater of crap pop. RIP
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    The New Album......

    Is it called "Lionheart" ?
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    Saxon - Free advertising by the BBC....

    Anyone else noticed the trailers on BBC one for "BBC3's Monday Proof Yourself"? At the end of the advert there are 3 people sitting down on a bench, the guy on the right is definately wearing a Saxon T-shirt, shame that what he is listening to isn't....