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  1. Bleak Eyes

    Melancholic Radio Show

    Aye, I managed to get a radio show at my University. I'm calling it "City of Melancholia", ha. I'll be playing what I feel is atmospheric and melancholic music from any genre and I will definitely be playing Katatonia. The show broadcasts every Thursday from 6PM-7PM Eastern and my first show is...
  2. Bleak Eyes

    Bloodbath Appearance in the US

    I am very surprised this has not been mentioned yet, but on the last gig of the Katatonia/Opeth tour in Baltimore, MD, Bloodbath played two tracks. They came out right after Opeth's last song. They played Soul Evisceration and Eaten. I am not surprised by Eaten, but definitely surprised with...
  3. Bleak Eyes

    Possible European Summer Excursion

    My girlfriend and I are thinking of going to a country this summer for a few months possibly. We thought about finding a little apartment or something and even trying to find jobs for the summer so that we can still sight see and such. We are both still college students and I am heavily relying...
  4. Bleak Eyes

    North American preorder?

    Will there be a preorder available for the North Americans soon? I want to know if I need to preorder the current version or wait a little bit longer.
  5. Bleak Eyes


    Is there anyone into sports? I enjoy football mainly. I used to be more into baseball, but it has become a little monotonous to me, probably because my favourite team has sucked for the past dozen years. I just recently got into basketball this past playoff season. Hockey is a sport that I...
  6. Bleak Eyes

    Received Copy Thread

    When you guys receive your copy of The Fathomless Mastery, please post so here. I just got an e-mail a couple of hours ago telling me that they shipped it. I am in the US, so I am not sure how long it will take to receive it from the UK. I do not recall if I had an e-mail about Unblessing...
  7. Bleak Eyes

    Shining, Meeting Niklas?

    Has anyone ever met Niklas from Shining? When I went to Sweden for the Melloboat cruise, Hobo and I were briefly talking about them and he told me that Unicorn did a show with Shining once and Niklas was a nice guy. I have seen a couple of interviews and he comes of as ridiculously comical to...
  8. Bleak Eyes

    Dub Remixes

    Besides the obvious Soil's Song remixed by Krister Linder, who mixed the My Twin and In The White versions? I figure that Anders and/or Jonas just mixed those two, but I wanted to know for sure.
  9. Bleak Eyes Beta page

    I really do not like the beta page for I almost hate it, haha. There is just something about it that does not appeal to me. I miss the old page. It used to let me go back to the original style, but not anymore that I can see. Opinions?
  10. Bleak Eyes

    Video Interview with Daniel from Hellfest

    I found this short interview with Daniel that was done during Hellfest. It is short but interesting.
  11. Bleak Eyes

    Katatonia status 2008

    With the announcement of a brand new Bloodbath full-length, it has made me wonder about Katatonia for 2008. Will this affect the progress of Katatonia making a new album this year? Please fill us in Mr. Nyström!!!:Saint:
  12. Bleak Eyes

    Bloodbath at the Maryland Deathfest

    There is a Death metal festival in Baltimore, MD every year. This year it is on May 23rd, 24th, and 25th. I checked Opeth's touring plans for this year, and they are touring with Dream Theater in May. They are performing on the 23rd and 24th, and they are both off-dates, I believe. So, the 25th...
  13. Bleak Eyes

    Clip of Harvest from the Melloboat

  14. Bleak Eyes

    Video of Mike performing with Katatonia

    Here is my video of Mike performing Murder with Katatonia on the Melloboat.
  15. Bleak Eyes

    Katatonia performing Murder with Mike

    Here is my video of the infamous performance, for those who have not seen it on the Katatonia forum.
  16. Bleak Eyes

    Unblessing the Purity on the Melloboat?

    This is mainly to Anders. Is it possible that there will be some copies being sold on the Melloboat? Probably a dumb question, but I would love to have this album on the actual release date, even though it is the final date on the boat.
  17. Bleak Eyes

    Underrated Katatonia tracks

    Right now, I can only think of a few, but I was curious as to what others thought. Two tracks on Viva Emptiness that I believe to be underrated are Sleeper and Burn The Remembrance. Also, Walking By A Wire. Another track that I believe to be underrated is Relention. What do you guys think?
  18. Bleak Eyes

    Chaos Feeds Life

    I just got around to hearing the Strike Upon You EP, and it is f'n awesome. I thought that this was like Skyfire Part I, that they just changed their name. But then I remembered a few years ago, someone asked if there were any plans of making new material for Chaos Feeds Life, and Martin said...
  19. Bleak Eyes

    Solos in Nightmares Made Flesh

    I have been listening to this album in the car the past few days, and I took a glance at the sleeve one day. It said that a session lead guitarist played on the album, Simon Solomon. Does he handle all of the solos on the album?
  20. Bleak Eyes

    Some news! Nnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiicccccccceeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:u-huh: