Search results

  1. dawnghost

    Trash Vortex

    Scary. A "plastic soup" of waste floating in the Pacific Ocean is growing at an alarming rate and now covers an area twice the size of the continental United States, scientists have said. The vast expanse of debris – in effect the world's largest rubbish dump – is held in place by swirling...
  2. dawnghost

    Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny's Final Battle

    Alright, this is just because my love for you all knows no bounds. Maybe you know this video already, I'm posting this because just recently I've been able to watch this movie. Read this before pressing play: 1. The Pick of Destiny is a very funny, if sometimes just too silly, movie. If you...
  3. dawnghost

    A good read

    I wanted to share this with you because, frankly, I loved reading it. I think you will enjoy it too. From here. Two words: mandatory sterilization. At puberty. For everyone. I know it’s fascist and I don’t care, because I know it’ll never happen so why not fantasize with my fascist...
  4. dawnghost

    What... the... fuck?

    Alright, I'd like the input of some people here. I found some Internet subculture that actually annoyed me deep in the brain. And I think I just lost a lot of hope in mankind as a whole. Alright, first of all, what do you think when you see this? I thought "what the fucking fuck"? So I...
  5. dawnghost

    Tie My Rope made me smile

    Hahahahahaha... oh my God... I'm listening to Tie My Rope right now and it sucks so fucking bad that it's making me laugh. I mean, I thought I'd be pissed cause it would suck, but they took it to a whole new level of shit this time. This is so bad that it's actually a relief. It means that I...
  6. dawnghost

    I've got some bad news, and I've got some hilarious news

    What I have to tell you now is very difficult for me to say, both because it is emotionally painful and because, quite frankly, it's hard to keep a straight face while recounting what happened. I've got some bad news, and some hilarious news, to tell you about your Uncle Murray. The bad news...
  7. dawnghost

    Contest: new lyrics

    I'm gonna post a contest here. Whoever wins is allowed to brag about it, even though it's a worthless poll. Yeah, the prize sucks but I can't afford to send the winner a cookie. I'm gonna post possible words that will be part of COB's new song's lyrics. Triple points if it's in the NAME of...
  8. dawnghost

    To the nay-sayers

    Hello there, Sometimes I come here to flame and curse as these boards are mostly filled with the AYDY newbie fans that I loathe. Anyway, I'm here to post my opinions regarding the new COB DVD as a person who's liked only 4 songs out of the new album. It kicks fucking ass. I have Tokyo...
  9. dawnghost

    Domo-kun's super smash fest!

    damn this game rules: have fun! :grin:
  10. dawnghost

    Avatar Overpower Arena

    Let's fight! This is the Avatar Overpower Arena. Here we'll put our avatars to the ultimate test. It's simple: - post how your avatar would have killed the previous avatar I'll give an example with my next post.
  11. dawnghost

    who REALLY killed JFK

    I bet you people already knew this all along, but here you go, legitimate PROOF!
  12. dawnghost

    ae pessoal do Méier e Tijuca!!

    seguintche: eu e uns amigos estamos marcando de ir ver aquele filme "The Ring" na sexta feira lá no Iguatemi, alguém quer ir? O filme é MUITO bom, vi na pré-estréia e quero ver de novo :grin: outra coisa... também estou vendo se marco um Rio Water Planet pra sem ser esse sábado o outro...
  13. dawnghost

    do you believe in GHOSTS?

    here it goes people. do you believe in GHOSTS? check this out: and click on the file about ghosts. don't forget to turn your lights OFF and speakers ON before you start watching. ps: bodomite couldn't watch it till the end...
  14. dawnghost

    Official Needled 24/7 Thread

    alright. I am not one of those very very very very very very very lucky bastards to have HCDR right at this moment. but I know one thing for sure: that album totally KICKS MAJOR ASS!!!!! :p so, as it seems everyone is really thrilled about the song Needled 24/7 having lyrics AND a video...
  15. dawnghost

    Q&A - the big thread

    ok I've seen this in another band's messageboard, and I thougth it would be a good idea to start this thread here as well. the idea is quite simple. you'll answer the last question and post a new one. ANY question will do. it doesn't matter. so let me start with an example: Q: is...
  16. dawnghost

    Red or Orange?

    ok I think I may be going nuts. I am pretty sure myself that the new COB's album cover is RED. but I've seen some people saying the cover is ORANGE. am I nuts? what do you think?
  17. dawnghost

    A true SAMURAI tale

    Chapter One - Dawn of the Sun Rising Dari-san stood in perfect crane posture, his razor-sharp katana gleaming in the orange sun as it began to rise over the hills of Chungshang. He had been practicing for five days straight and had spent the last three immobile in the crane posture as...
  18. dawnghost

    your fav video game?

    I was wondering... I've always liked video games, specially 2d ones, sidescrolling, strategy and RPGs. my list of all-time favs: - Worms Armageddon (PC) - Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3!!!!!! (PC) - Guitar Freaks (arcade) - Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3 (Genesis) - Splatterhouse 2 and 3...
  19. dawnghost

    good evening gentlemen

    all your base are belong to us you have no chance to survive make your time
  20. dawnghost

    Post WEIRD and UNKNOWN bands you like

    This post is to ask ya guys TWO questions: FIRST: list some weird bands you like, but are quite ashamed to admit... maybe. :) mine are: - Oingo Boingo - Cyndi Lauper - early Michael Jackson - The Smiths - Beach Boys (I also like instrumental surf music) - Blue Man Group :D...