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  1. SacrifyX

    Megaforce '85 Reel?

    I know I haven't been on here in forever, but I'm hoping someone can help me track something down. On this youtube video at around 0:55 seconds there's a clip of Anthrax playing A.I.R.: I have only heard about this being from a rare 1985 Megaforce promotional reel type thing, but I have never...
  2. SacrifyX

    Help finding a song (from an old horror TV show)

    Hey, I really need some help figuring out what band this is, I know it isn't Testament (cause I've been a Testament fan since I was 11 and know all their songs). The episode was aired Dec. 17th, 1989, It's a show called "Monsters". The channel Chiller has been airing all the old episodes and I...
  3. SacrifyX

    A.I.R. Megaforce promo reel

    Hey, has anyone heard of this before? Does it even exist? I noticed this on someone's want list, and me being a hardcore fan I've never heard of this. It's on this site: No I'm not spamming or any kind of shit like that, this website...
  4. SacrifyX

    Anti-Social Video, Disneyland Ending?

    Hey, I'm sure everyone here has seen the video for Anti-Social, I have it on DVD, Japanese Laserdisc (P.O.V.), and I've recorded it off VH1 Classic several times. My question is, back in the day I would lurk around on mIRC and there was a MPEG-1 copy of Anti-Social (this was before P.O.V. got a...
  5. SacrifyX

    Anthrax Neon Lights?

    Does anyone remember these things selling all the time on ebay back in 2006-2007? They used to go for like $9 and $19 shipping. I always wanted one, but thought "well fuck it's something new, and this vintage stuff isn't always gonna be around, so I'll keep buying it and buy the sign later"...
  6. SacrifyX

    What happened to Bleed?

    I didn't see this question anywhere, and I just watched the "Bits Of Worship" parts 1 & 2 video on the iTunes edition, I noticed the tracking for the song "Bleed" on there that was also on a 2007 in the studio video, sounds like it would've been a really badass song. Does anyone know what...
  7. SacrifyX

    Does anyone know?

    Does anyone have any clue if the Japanese import of Worship Music's catalog number will still be VICP-64711? I'm curious to know cause that's the version I'll be buying as well as the U.S. release. It says on this site there will be a bonus track on it as well...
  8. SacrifyX


    Holy Shit!!! IS this shit true??!!! Laaz Rockit is my FAVORITE band!! I can't believe their actually playing again! And With Testament! I'd give my left nut to see that!! Someone has to film this...
  9. SacrifyX

    Ex Laaz Rockit/Warning SF Guitar Player Jon In Heathen?

    I got an email from Jon who use to play in Laaz Rockit (Nothings Sacred) and WarningSF, He says he's now in Heathen. If that's true it should seariously kick ass. Seeing as im a big fan of Laaz Rockit that may be worth hearing!
  10. SacrifyX

    Is Testament ever going to release a DVD with all their Promos on it?

    I wish Testament would release a DVD With all their promos on it, Expically Electric Crown, I Love the Iron Maiden one, Also Killer Dwarfs is releasing one, their's also word WASP is too, Come on Testament!