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  1. InFlame00

    Johns new evil axe

    this pic is NOT photoshop edited ;)
  2. InFlame00

    Question about promos

    I remember bringing up that I'd bought a promo of GWC some months or more ago. John explained that there were different versions of the promos for both HTWTS and GWC, now I can't find the thread about this so I wonder if anyone can tell me this again.
  3. InFlame00

    Cool Happening in Sweden

    Hell-o folks, I just thought that I should give you some updates from this cold fucking country... Theres a pretty cool show coming up with among others, Marduk and Dismember. They will be playing at an event called Metalbåten, Boat Of Metal in english. In sweden a very typical weekend...
  4. InFlame00

    New InFlames, come clarity

    I warn you, don't buy this fucking shit. I downloaded it a couple of weaks ago, and damn...this is really really bad, they should have change bandname long ago.
  5. InFlame00

    Met+the simpsons

    Metallica In Springfield 9/20/2005 The guys were in the studio today to record their voices for an upcoming episode of The Simpsons! The show will air sometime in May 06, so you have plenty of time to set those recorders. When we have more info, we will be sure to let you know. In the...
  6. InFlame00

    American Revolution

    I've started to read about the american revolution (the war of freedom) and I find it pretty cool! Is this war somthing that makes you americans proud or is it just a typical boring subject in school? Sorry for being boring :(
  7. InFlame00


    I must say I just love the sound of the drums on that album! Anyone else like it?
  8. InFlame00

    Dead Fest

    What do you think?
  9. InFlame00


    Hm, I just got my hans of another promo for GWC and I have to collect all of you now :D Please tell me all of your releases, seems pretty hard to get the TFWIH, but please post all of your releases, demos, promos etc :D
  10. InFlame00

    New vocals

    Is there somewhere you can hear vehemence with new vocals?
  11. InFlame00


    Some of you gorefanatics probably already know about this but otherwise, check this out:
  12. InFlame00

    Street team

    Will there be a Europesection because the site is a real mess right now :D
  13. InFlame00

    Back In Action

    Hey, back in action again after some fucking jobs out of town, anything cool happend? I don't have the energy to see for myself :D Rock n Roll!
  14. InFlame00


    I've got a question about bass-strings...what is the difference between cheap strings and expensive strings? Is it more then the time they last...or does it make any difference while playing too?
  15. InFlame00


    Anyone heard about KMD? I saw a bassguitar yesterday that had nothing on it except for KMD-260 on the pickups. Any idea what this is?
  16. InFlame00

    Playing fast

    How do I play the bass really fast? Got any tips? I don't want to use pics. I just can't play fast with my fingers. If I use more than 2 fingers it sounds like the baslines of iron maiden gallopish songs.
  17. InFlame00

    The first to growl

    Who was the first one to growl? I mean what band started with the growling as vocals. There must have been some pioneers?
  18. InFlame00

    Best bassplayer?

    Who's the best bassplayer out there? I would nominate Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse to one of the best out there. What are your thoughts?
  19. InFlame00

    wiiiiie, I'll get my bass this week

    im so happy hihihihi I've been playing bass on my electric guitar for some time now, tryed the bass in By Your does mark play the bass? Using only 2 fingers or...?
  20. InFlame00

    Game of the week.

    This is that kind of game that will keep thoose out there with no life (including me) up all night. My record is 3479,56m. You will just hate it. Klick when "special" shows up to boost like fuck and klick if you want when...