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  1. Flodom


    I read from Soundi that Alexi got his black eye because he had little figth with the guys from NOrther ? Is it true and somedy knows what`s the story ? I hope that alexi had kicked their faces... :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: or he should tell it to alexander.. and then pete, jukka and all...
  2. Flodom

    new picture

    take a look at this link evil_raszdcsvsdvfrb is a monster of the drawning
  3. Flodom

    how to get reputation

    i have 14 points of reputation but I don't know why i have these points and how to get more .... can you help me on my quest of the reputation ?
  4. Flodom

    Hate Crew Deathroll! End

    As you all know it, there is four minutes of "silence" at the end of the track "Hate crew deathroll". Somebody could translate what the guys of Cob say ? i just know that janne make a Tu du du tu du du, very very bad, 'cause he is the worst singer of the jazz pop conservatory of helsinky...
  5. Flodom

    Warmen Rules !!!!

    hello ! I'm new here and my english is bad as my ass. I read in this forum that janne warman would make a new album of Warmen during this summer... but this summer is past and we haven't a new album from the great Warman... somebody can tell me news about this ??? F...