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  1. S

    Having your ass kicked in 20 seconds or less

    While every second of these two songs totally own, the last 20 seconds of each has kicked my ass for ~25 years! Such great ways to end classic songs! 1984 mega-classic 1986 mega-classic
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    For those whom find the new Maiden dull...

    ....I stumbled upon some awesome remixes of the new album's tracks on Youtube. While I revere the album, these mixed inject a lot of life into the songs. Bruce's vocals are "more defined", and even better here. The sound has more of an 80s feel than a "reunion era" feel. The Alchemist...
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    song-by-song review of new Maiden,1140/en
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    Maiden's "Final Frontier" video/song

    Much more "lively" than "El Dorardo" (which I do like). Cant wait for this release!!! type in "Final Frontier - Director's Cut"
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    Nevermore's Obsidian Conspiracy

    I’m floored! The Obsidian Conspiracy is, to my ears, Nevermore’s masterwork. And that’s saying a lot based on the strength of their catalogue. I never thought they’d top “Dead Heart In A Dead World” but I think they actually have. This release seems far more dynamic than either of the...
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    snippets of Black Country Communion (Hughes, Bonamassa, Bonham, Sherinian)

    This 10 minute "mini doc" features some snippets of the songs......this sounds friggin AWESOME!!!! (And that's NOT because I'm a Hughes fanatic!!)
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    Megadeth - System has Failed

    Wow....this is a very good record, and that really caught me by surprise. In fact, I'd rate it a notch higher than "United Abominations". Megadeth lost me with "Youthanasia" many thrash bands circa 1992-1995, the watered down songs just didn't work, particulalry with Dave's "love em...
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    top 10 metal/hard rock/proto-metal albums of the 70s?

    In tandem with the similar thread re the 80s, let's take a stab at the 70 (one album per band, if possible). This might be even more difficult than the 80s thread! 1) Zep - Physical Graffiti the rest in no true order: Sabbath - Sabotage Tull - Benefit Deep Purple - In Rock Priest -...
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    A Sabbath / Floyd / Beatles / Queen hybrid?

    Check this out....the band is named BIGELF & the samples sound great! Two of their albums are available on itunes (if you want to hear more samples). The band's self-proclaimed sound is a hybrid of Sabbath / Pink Floyd / The Beatles / and Queen. There's also some cool organ (a la...
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    Listening to St. Anger
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    link to the new Metallica song, Cyanide

    Here’s a link to the new Metallica song, Cyanide (recorded live). It’s not terrible, but it lacks excitement and energy. Perhaps this live version is just poorly mixed? The guitars are way too low here. Oh well, I still may pick up the record upon its release...
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    Maiden, tonight in New Jersey (3/14)

    Any here going to tonight's show? Only a few hours to show-time! Does anyone know who the opening band is? I heard rumours of Lauren Harris....not sure of that's true, or not.
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    UFO North Am tour dates; new Best Of release

    UFO - The Best Of UFO (1974 - 1983) To Be Released In April; Nationwide Touring Planned Posted on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 10:22:14 EST As the influential UK rock band UFO prepares to land in several US cities this April and May, Capitol/EMI announces the April 15th release of The...
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    the comedic genius of Live After Death!

    Prior to last week, I'd not seen Maiden's glorious LIVE AFTER DEATH for nearly 15 years...maybe longer. And, although we've had the music all these years via the CD, the visual experience of "prime era" Maiden just hasn't existed in an easily accessible format (being that I scrapped my VCR...
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    Mr Big ?

    The legendary band Free penned a classic early 70s blues-rock tune named "MR BIG", which was highlighted by a kick-ass bass guitar solo courtesy of Andy Fraser. I assume this song was the inspiration behind Billy Sheehan (presumably) naming his late 80s supergroup after said song...
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    new Sahg song here: your ass will be kicked To my ears, it sounds "lighter" than the tunes on their classic debut, but the Ozzy era Sabbath vibe still reigns mightily!
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    Coverdale / Page (1993)

    I just gave this awesome record a full listen, for probably the 1st time in a year (or more). Jesus, it slays! It may be the heaviest thing either of these elder statesmen have ever had a hand in. Just awesome, heavy as hell blues rock that ventures into the realm of metal on a number of...
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    Kissology - volumes 2 and 3?

    It's been nearly a year and Volume I still excites the hell out of me. But I've yet to view either of the proceeding two volumes. So, tell me, how do they compare? Obviously, the different eras feature different music/sets/line-ups, etc., but do the quality of these volumes compare to...
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    so what new (or old!) bands did you 'discover' in 2007?

    What bands made their presence known to you in 2007? They do Not necessarily have to be 'new' bands, but simply any band that you weren't previously into but discovered this past year? My greatest finds this year: UFO. I've had a 'best of' for many years but rarely listened to it...
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    some more modern, yet 'old school', bands

    LA's Poets and Pornstars. Saw them open for Tesla this fall & they OWNED! Roadstar, from the UK. A mix of 70s hard rock and the best side of Guns N Roses. Pig Iron, from England...