Search results

  1. Nefilim

    ABSCESSION - Old School Death Metal!

    Hey guys, We're Abscession and we have one goal: to play brutal, old school, swedish death metal in the vein of Entombed, Bloodbath, Edge of Sanity, Grave etc. With members from Zombie Destrüktion and Hel (among others) we have a really strong line-up of metalheads to put out some crushing...
  2. Nefilim

    Abscession - old school death metal!

    Hey guys, We're Abscession and we have one goal: to play brutal, old school, swedish death metal in the vein of Entombed, Bloodbath, Edge of Sanity, Grave etc. We just finished recording our debut release called "Death Incarnate" and it will be released by Suffer Productions early in 2010...
  3. Nefilim

    Recently plugged in my turntable...

    And today I bought Unorthodox, Spectral Sorrows, Purgatory Afterglow and Crimson 1+2 on vinyl from Black mark! Man I just hope they have them all in store and that they send them ASAP! Dan: Did you do the remastering of these vinyls yourself or did some blasphemer put dirty hands on the...
  4. Nefilim

    Ulan Bator still going strong!

    Picked up the local newspaper the other day because there was an article about unsigned bands that I wanted to read (cuz my band was mentioned :P). Anyway, the article mentions four or five bands, one of them being a local punk band. To my surprise the author of the article states something...
  5. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion

    Hey guys! Zombie Destrüktion is a death metal band not quite in the vein of the mighty Bloodbath although we got a lot of inspiration from them! I know some of you have heard our name and maybe even our music before, but I figured I'd make a thread here about it since I think some of you might...
  6. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion

    Hey guys! Zombie Destrüktion is a death metal band not quite in the vein of the mighty Bloodbath although we got a lot of inspiration from them! I know some of you have heard our name and maybe even our music before, but I figured I'd make a thread here about it since I think some of you might...
  7. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion - Swashbuckling Ninja Death Metal!

    We're finally back after a four-year hiatus! Our new EP "Dead West" is now available for inner-ear dismemberment at Go get audibly ravaged by songs about piñatas, cowboys, beer and ZOMBIES! /Thomas of Zombie Destrüktion
  8. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion - Swashbuckling Ninja Death Metal!

    We're finally back after a four-year hiatus! Our new EP "Dead West" is now available for inner-ear dismemberment at Go get audibly ravaged by songs about piñatas, cowboys, beer and ZOMBIES! /Thomas of Zombie Destrüktion
  9. Nefilim

    Invisible & Alive Again only 49 SEK at!

    Wow, that's damned cheap for those great albums! Strange though that Ginza has no albums with Edge of Sanity. :u-huh:
  10. Nefilim

    Mixing Death Vocals?

    My mate is just about to mix some death tracks and he asked me if I had any tips on mixing Death vox. Apart from the regular compressor, de-esser and reverb, do you have any other ideas on how to get a really fat death vocal sound? Cheers, Nef
  11. Nefilim

    Mixing Death Vocals?

    My mate is just about to mix some death tracks and he asked me if I had any tips on mixing Death vox. Apart from the regular compressor, de-esser and reverb, do you have any other ideas on how to get a really fat death vocal sound? Cheers, Nef
  12. Nefilim

    EMG Pickups?

    Hey guys, I was looking around at some EMG pickups for my guitar, and I saw the EMG HZ-H4 which is supposed to be a passive version of the EMG 81. I know a lot of people love the EMG81, but I'm wondering if any of you have tried the passive H4 version? I'm really curious if you think this is a...
  13. Nefilim

    RIP Jon of Dissection

    I guess some of you have heard the news of Jons death already. I know Dan worked with him a long time ago, on the Somberlain if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, whatever Jon had done, and whatever his opinions were he did make a lot of great music. Storm of the Light's Bane is in my opinion one of the...
  14. Nefilim

    Passing the time at the Swanö BB

    So it's the middle of the night and I'm bored. Therefore I decided to start a thread where we can post all sorts of fun stuff to pass the time when we hang out here at the forum :) I'll start off with some stand-up comedy clips:
  15. Nefilim

    Opinions on new Dissection?

    What do you guys think about Reinkaos? I was really disappointed with the Maha Kali mcd they released a while ago, but the Reinkaos CD is not too bad IMO. It's not really the Dissection we all know, but it's kinda nice in it's own way.
  16. Nefilim

    Vote for Nightingale as "best concert 2005"!

    Hey, let's support the guys by voting for them at the P3 Guld-awards! P3 is one of Swedens biggest radiostations, and they are hosting the award show called "P3 Guld", where people can vote for the best swedish live show of 2005. Now, I know many of you didn't see Nightingale when they were on...
  17. Nefilim

    Maceration - A Serenade of Agony

    Damn, I thought I knew of most projects Dan has been involved in, especially those where he does vox, but apparently I was wrong, since I had completely missed out on Maceration until now. I got the "A Serenade of Agony" from some place (ahem... you know where), and it's actually quite cool...
  18. Nefilim

    Edge of Sanity on MTV :)

    I found a cool video clip with Dan when he was in EoS (must have been recorded around '93), some of you have probably seen it already, but if not you can download it from my webserver: Cheers, Nefilim
  19. Nefilim

    OT: Arcade games :)

    I hope noone's offended by this off topic thread... people here are just so cool that I want to discuss OT-stuff with you as well :) Anyway, is there anyone else here who likes old arcade games? Last fall I purchased an old Arcade cabinet, and I have installed a computer running an arcade...
  20. Nefilim


    With the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I have to say that this is one of the better songs I've heard in a long while! I think you've outdone yourselves on this one, Dan and NG! The vocals are some of the best you've ever done IMO, when they kick in around 4:11 you've got some serious rippin'...