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  1. Brentney Spears


    The tricks have spoken:
  2. Brentney Spears

    Apology And State Of The Board Address

    I apologize to the fans that were duped into clicking a link intended to express my thoughts on reunion bashers who can't stop a year after the fact and other whiners contesting their freedom of speech. It was impulsive, stupid and lame on my part and again I offer my sincerest apology, which as...
  3. Brentney Spears


    el Brente will be in the Mother Fucking House of Booze on Friday. Look for the fag with the gray corduroy blazer and a bad cammo shirt with Buddy Holly glasses and that's me. I know Defragger from the CDC will be there (I think I met you last time?). Love to have a beverage with any of you fine...
  4. Brentney Spears


    JOIN THE ANTHRAX CDC - $25 a year, cheaper than Snoozfest tix YOU GET: * Your own email address * Exclusive tshirt (it'll be army green with the club logo on it) * All exclusive Anthrax shit (bootlegs, demos, commercial tracks, videos, Scott's Alphamail, Charlie's Blast Beat...
  5. Brentney Spears

    Vote For The Cop That Shot Dimebag's Killer

    Policemen of the year or something: Dimebag or no Dimebag this officer really is one brave SOB. He could have called for backup, waited then there's no telling how many people that mother fucker would have killed.
  6. Brentney Spears Works

    Sorry, Network Solutions fucked me on the server again and I'm in limbo waiting on an email. Hopefully will be back tomorrow. This bullshit is almost over. /bt
  7. Brentney Spears


    Should Joey Wear The Big Chief Hairddress During Indians?
  8. Brentney Spears Being Down

    I had to change our site DNS therefore it may appear down in certain parts of the world from time to time. Everything should be resolved by Saturday.
  9. Brentney Spears

    OT: Britney is fat now, who will carry the torch?

    What chick is your top masturbatory fantasy now? My vote: Lindsay Lohan
  10. Brentney Spears


    Few quick answers for the barrage of posts and emails lately and to help get everyone's collective panties out of a bundle. 1) WEB SITE: Fine, you hate it. Good, that way I don't have to live up to much with the next site make you guys happy. It's only a temporary site. New site will be up...
  11. Brentney Spears


    OK, as I don't have enough time to flame all you trolls one at a time here's the board rules: 1) Board membership is a privilege, not a right. 2) We love opinions, we love bitching, we love John Bush. We love your mom. Keep shit on topic and punches above the belt. Personal attacks on...
  12. Brentney Spears

    The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Is Alive And Well!!!

    Thank you, thank you to all my fellow conspirators for doing your part. We disenfranchised voters, suppressed the downtrodden and subverted democracy better than we ever have before. Senseless warmonging will live on, the environment will be raped even faster, and the rich will of course now all...
  13. Brentney Spears

    The Politics of Metal - How I'm A Conservative Motherfucker

    I just wanted to drop a line here to say that everyone doesn't need to get so riled up about musicians injecting their political opinions on the masses. Step back, take a pill. It's all push button, heat of the moment flibberflabber. It means nothing, does nothing. John Lennon was a hippie. I...
  14. Brentney Spears

    Brent's Definitive Ozzfest Review

    OK, finally made it to my first Ozzfest last night in hot as balls Nash Vegas, TN. I did go to Off-fest a few years back but this is the first time I got to see that kooky reality show Dad guy. Ozzfest starts at 9:30 AM. Which one of the Osbourne kids on smack came up with that one? Metal and...
  15. Brentney Spears

    I forgot to tell you, it's a...

    GIRL: Little Miss Thompson is due to pop out Sept. 25th! Look for her to be Sludgette of The Month - May, 2023.
  16. Brentney Spears

    I Gots The New Dvd

    Here's my obligatory kiss ass review - Got the "MUSIC OF MASS DESTRUCTION" DVD/CD yesterday. It's no "KISS ALIVE IV" but it's good. Little sarcasm for you. AUDIO - Awesome, great mix. I can't think of the last time I heard a live record mixed this good. The crowd is loud as hell. Chicago...
  17. Brentney Spears

    The Store that was there then not there...

    The Anthrax store was on the home page this morning but I had to take it down this afternoon. Anthrax management decided it could create problems with our merch company thus it got pulled. BUT if you ordered it WILL be fulfilled. Hopefully it'll be back in a few weeks with more merch. ALSO I've...
  18. Brentney Spears

    Anyone notice the Sludgeholic Of The Month is a huge Anthrax fan? BTW - I've met Starla (I think, one of the sisters anyway). Slammin' Body.
  19. Brentney Spears

    When Is The Goddamn Carson Daly Thing Airing?

    Is it Wednesday night or Thursday night? Scott told me 10/29, then Tad emailed me saying 10/28. I say it's Wednesday 10/29 night / 10/30 morning. What's the official air date? FUCKIFIKNOW - bt
  20. Brentney Spears

    Holy Shit Anthrax Chycks RULE!

    Did anybody see that girl wearing the Anthrax shirt in the "Scruples" segment of VH1's 80s Strike Back. 1 word - Awesome.It looked like a State of Euphoria era shirt that was cut up to be all fringey. Just awesome. Oh that set all our work on trying to make ANTHRAX cool back 20 years. Oh and...