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  1. K

    ready to hand / present at hand

    What is the difference between these two concepts? Yes, I'm bored and I finally got to listening to this Hubert Dreyfus. He does not seem to explain these concepts. Maybe someone can elaborate on that? Thanks !
  2. K

    Tolstoy's view of history

    I am reading now "War and Peace", absolutely amazing. In this novel Tolstoy proposes his view of history. He does not believe in the romantic view of history of so called "great men" who shape history by their will and ideas: not military leaders and politicians but also not poets and...
  3. K


    I listened to this lecture about Derrida and the origins of modernism and found it very interesting. To crudely sum up what I understood: Derrida sees the history of western metaphysics as a continuous search for a logos, a meaning, or a transcendental signified. Visually, the logos can be...
  4. K


    I think contrary to most people here I actually like science. That is to say I studied physics and math and I love and enjoy it. Although reading some stuff as of late and thinking about it I've come to realize that science is an intellectual hobby and not much else. Most importantly it in no...
  5. K

    Dreyfus on Heidegger

    I found this 10000 hour lecture on Being and Time on soulseek by Herbert Dreyfus and now downloading. Is anyone familiar with that? Is it worth listening to (I've listened to some scholars who made Nietzsche an Ayn Rand figure)? Is it OK for someone who has not much background in philosophy...
  6. K

    A Portrait of the Artist

    I'd put that in the now reading thread but this book was just so incredible I think it deserves a thread of its own. I became interested in Joyce after reading shit on this forum but I figured out I'd try out something a bit easier before dwelling into the monstrosities that are Ulysses and...
  7. K

    A thought about literature

    I had this thought about literature I'd like to share with people. I have a hard time putting it into words so please forgive me in advance :) The most inferior literature merely tells you the facts. It just symbolizes things, for example: Dan hates Tom. Then, it's commonly known that you...
  8. K

    Could morality be biological?

    I think that the commonly held position is that the source of morality is reason. That is, man is a rational being and morality is encouraged because it's beneficial for everyone. I've been thinking, however, that it might be the result of some sort of an evolutionary psychology. Certainly...
  9. K

    Best Black Sabbath songs?

    I'm just wondering what's everyone's favorite. Black Sabbath is so awesome. 1. Black Sabbath 2. Into the Void 3. Under the Sun/Every Day Comes and Goes 4. Symptom of the Universe 5. Children of the Grave
  10. K


    Everyone has a few crappy but catchy and fun random songs he keeps on his hard drive. List yours: (please no crappy indie songs because inde sucks) Lily Allen - Smile New Order - 60 Miles an Hour Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! The Boomtown Rats...
  11. K

    Art and Artist

    Can there be, in art, something more, or maybe even entirely different, than what the artist intended? Does he know his work better than anyone else? Of course, sometimes artist express in their art something which they cannot say in words (or, perhaps, something that can't be said at all), but...
  12. K

    Anti-Semitic Double Standards

    "Traditional" antisemitic thought, which is racially motivated and usually goes hand in hand with nationalistic ideologies, holds that the Jews are bad because of all the usual Der Sturmer stereotypes: i.e greedy, selfish, rootless cosmopolitan, weak, liberal and so on. Then there's the so...
  13. K

    Listenable music with substance?

    Yeah I know that's somewhat vague, but I'm looking for music that is not dull or too anthemic (i.e subversive/ethereal/depressive/atmospheric - you can put on your headphones and actually listen to it, and discover new things every time), but still relatively "easy" to listen to (i.e not pop...
  14. K

    Conceptual analysis of music

    Music is probably the most abstract form of art, and as such, it is usually analyzed from a technical perspective and rarely from a conceptual one. Music students learn a lot about tempos, techniques, influences, notes, instruments and such but are not concerned with what music is about as an...
  15. K

    Sopor Aeternus

    What are other good bands in this musical style?
  16. K

    80's pop

    as of late ive been listening to lots of shitty pop bands like A-ha, Alphaville, Kraftwerk etc. I know it's gay but I really like it so I'll be glad if anyone can drop names of catchy, fun albums like these thanks
  17. K

    Great song, average band/CD

    ...or just songs that completely differ in quality from the rest of the album, to the better or worse. Incantation - Abolishment of Immaculate Serenity (awesome song - I'd say the album is merely 'good') Nile - To Dream of Ur Grotesque - Incantation (great band, but this song completely...
  18. K

    free will and optimism

    Basically my point is this: usually we consider the fact free will doesn't exist and we are actually biological automats as sad or fatalistic in nature, and that morality is not justified because everything that happens is bound to happen. But I argue that in fact the contrary is true - for if...
  19. K


    So I was listening to King Crimson's debut the other day and skipped that track as usual, and I thought... am I the only one who thinks its really, really crap, especially in comparison to the rest of the album?
  20. K

    Brian Eno

    I would like to get into his stuff but I don't know where to begin. Err, that's all, thanks. :)