Search results

  1. Ayeka

    Metal fundraiser in Plymouth (with Power Metal goodness!)

    On Monday 17th September there is a Metal fundraiser for the Samaritans taking place at the White Rabbit in Plymouth. Myspace users can get their Add Friend fingers ready as they check out the lineup: Exocet (Thrash Metal from Gloucester) Unforgiven (local...
  2. Ayeka

    Photo copyright

    This is more a curiosity thing really, but do copyright things work for stuff going on the internet? Is it really just enough to slap © me on something to get shouting rights at people who blag them? I'm asking cos I'm gonna slap some of the photos I took at the Kreator gig...
  3. Ayeka

    Terrorist attacks in London

    Anyone catching this on the news? I've got my music going but I've got my tv on ready for statements and developments. Seven explosions on the underground, including one on a bus. Two people dead and about 90 injured at one location is all that's been confirmed so far. Fucking insane. And we got...
  4. Ayeka

    Download festival fucking ruled!!!

    Been back for about two hours...fuck me, what a weekend. For me it basically started at 8pm Wednesday night and finished bout the same time tonight (Monday). Fucking class. My first full festival and it went very well! Saw some class bands - Megadeth, Napalm Death, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, 3...
  5. Ayeka

    Second Sight review at Metal Monk Sure, it may be about a year since the album came out :p but we ain't been around that long! I think I did the album fair justice and I hope y'all agree with me. If not, tuff :loco: (let us know when the promos for the new one start floating...
  6. Ayeka

    Me and my mate have a challenge

    I joked to him that I wanted to check out 1000 new bands, and he thought it was a pretty cool idea. So we threw down the glove - we gotta find 500 bands each that we haven't heard before. He's starting me off with Heavenblast, Halgadom and Jag Panzer, and I'll be burning him a copy of De...
  7. Ayeka

    Noltem - what else sounds like this?

    So I'm halfway through my second twirl of the Noltem demo, and I must admit it's thrown me somewhat. I'm not sure if I've got anything else that sounds like this in my collection. I'm not exactly thinking I need to run out and horde more crazy-whatever-you-call-this, but I am very curious...
  8. Ayeka

    Metal Monk

    Here's a new webzine that might be of interest to y'all - Obviously I'm plugging it cos I'm one of the reviewers :loco: we're doing a nice range of Metal, obviously it's early days for the zine so a lot of features aren't up yet. But do check back and have a read, and join...
  9. Ayeka

    I saw Judas Priest last night!

    With the Scorpions as support, oh yeah! :grin: In all honesty, they were a bit restrained - didn't look quite as magical as they do in the videos. The set was kind of identical to all the live stuff I own, with three new songs (Judas Rising, Revolution and Hellrider) and Hot Rockin' and I'm A...
  10. Ayeka

    Biff Byford's home burns down

    Just caught this, surprised I only did this late... From the official Saxon site: 23rd March 2005 Unfortunately we have to notify you, that Biff Byford the leadsinger and founder of the band SAXON has undergone a serious tragedy at his home. Due a fire at his home in france, his house is...
  11. Ayeka

    Doctor Who

    Anyone catch the start of the new series last night? I thought it was pretty damn good actually :D the Autons weren't very scary at all (I hate clips of them from the old series' :ill: ) and keeping everything condensed into a 45 minute episode made everything feel very safe. But I thought...
  12. Ayeka

    I thought of the coolest thing ever

    David Coverdale fronting Black Sabbath I mean, if godz Ronnie James Dio, Ian Gillan and Glenn Hughes could do it, and do it good, then why not David? He's got a marvellous set of pipes, and it's not as if lyrical themes would really that much in this fantasy situation (Ian Gillan never exactly...
  13. Ayeka

    Symphorce in the UK

    I'm wondering, how do Symphorce stand in the UK? Have they toured here before? Any plans to? Have our press recognised them in any way? Would you consider them to be known over here or are they our SECRET? :heh:
  14. Ayeka

    World Jump Day! Everyone join in and shift the world's axis! :rock:
  15. Ayeka

    Guts by Chuck Palahnuik

    Just got this off Final Fantasy Online, bwehehehe. Peeps may have seen it before. Guts by Chuck Palahniuk Inhale. Take in as much air as you can. This story should last about as long as you can hold your breath, and then just a little bit longer. So listen as fast as you can. A friend...
  16. Ayeka

    For the Brits (for now): our best new Metal bands?

    As more and more time passes I'm finding I can phase out of hunting for bands that existed before I was born and look to the present day to find Metal bands that cater for my taste. Trouble is I have a crooked memory and some stick bette than others :loco: never mind. Here we celebrate the best...
  17. Ayeka


    Anyone here clued up about their jazz? I've liked most of what I've heard but it's mostly been snippets, odds & sods and I've got no idea where to start proper :erk: essential artist/albums/songs? (esp. songs so I can download :Saint: )
  18. Ayeka

    EastSide Records

    Anyone know anything about this label? I can't seem to find anything on the internet about them. Apparently Saltus have a new album out this year on their label (which I am likely to get cos I dug Slavonic Pride) but it don't help much if I can't order the bloody thing! :blush:
  19. Ayeka

    3 Inches Of Blood

    Any fans here? Kickass new band! Heavy Metal but signed to Roadrunner! :eek: who'd've thought it? A sign of the times for sure! Anyway I hear Accept, Judas Priest, and the squealy bits from Stand Up And Shout by Dio in them :rock: and Running Wild references are inevitable cos they have songs...
  20. Ayeka

    3 Inches Of Blood

    Anyone heard of these guys? I think I just discovered my new favourite band of 2005! To my ears they sound like Judas Priest/Accept, and they're kicking up quite a storm. Signed to Roadrunner, would you believe it?!