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  1. Turbo

    This colour scheme

    Is the worst shit on earth. You fucking cunts.
  2. Turbo

    Pretty bad that there hasnt been any more posts in here since I was last on.

  3. Turbo


    Alestorm forum has been deleted in its entirety. Im a n00b again.
  4. Turbo

    Happy new year.

    ...and im not even chinese. Just slow.:loco:
  5. Turbo


    Omg. lol. gay.
  6. Turbo

    Moderately important to Gavin.

    Im thinking of setting a date to the last week of April to visit you, money provided. Ive used skyscanner from all UK airports to Vaasa and its fucking expensive so im looking at a Dublin/Stockholm/Stansted flight over to Tampere. Curious if you could find anything out about rail travel to your...
  7. Turbo

    Bandwagoner thread.

    Okay, so everyone has posted every venue on the tour, im not prepared to let the side down. Right, Birmingham Carling Academy 2 gig was good. Support act was really bad. Met up with Brad and Aden once again for the battle! Anyone else go?
  8. Turbo

    Happy birthday Mr. Lapin Kulta.

    Dont drink too much you crazy Swede! :kickass:
  9. Turbo

    Another thread for COBOT.

  10. Turbo


    I didnt notice an introductions thread, so forgive me if there is one. Ive just come across skyfire, and enjoyed Mind Revolution, so I thought id drop in. Its good to see Hylian is actually a moderator here: kept that quiet! Well a few bits and bobs about me, im 19 from England, into bands such...
  11. Turbo

    Turisas Pictures

    Post your gig photos here. Not the best of quality, all taken on a camera phone. All taken from the Birmingham, UK gig October 2006.
  12. Turbo

    In regards to the Studio diary...

    The pinball score dispute made me laugh! Hahaha. Discuss.
  13. Turbo

    What can I do...

    To get this thread moving. I mean for a band THIS good, we should have tonnes of people in here. For some unknown reason theres loads of people in the Opeth forum, which I dont understand.
  14. Turbo

    Ragnarok (Scotland), Role call thread

    Whos coming?:zombie:
  15. Turbo

    You can have your forum back.

    Im officially leaving COB off topic indefinately. I will still be at Battleheart, Kalmah, and Turisas. I just think enough is enough, I should have packed my bags a long time ago. See you around. You can celebrate now...
  16. Turbo

    Hospital Again.

    Friday night I got totally trashed again, but this time I tripped and fell to the floor landing on my thumb, breaking it at the base. Its a bad break, and I will have to go to hospital on Wednesday for an operation. I hope to see you guys when im well and fixed. I do have a cronic fear over not...
  17. Turbo

    Ensiferum forum?

    Is there a reason why Ensiferum doesnt have a forum a) at all (check ) or b) with Ultimate Metal? Yes its a n00bish question, I couldnt be bothered to put it in necro language. Its just been like the link for ages.
  18. Turbo


    Not quite but im going to make it my mission before I crash out. Hoot.
  19. Turbo

    Lock up your wife and kids.

    That is all.
  20. Turbo

    One Fucking Year!!!

    As all of my first posts are here, I will also make a thread here as well. Been a member of UM for 1 year now with lola. Anyone who tries flaming me can go to fucking hell. This thread is full of random shit, so this doesnt make a difference, n00bs.