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  1. lordcatfish

    Hate Crew Deathroll to be played in full next year

    Announced for Tuska next year. "Finland’s world-reknowed metal exports, Children Of Bodom will be playing their classic 2003 ”Hate Crew Deathroll” album in its entirety at Tuska 2020. This is the first time COB will be playing an album special show and Tuska appearance is the exclusive Finnish...
  2. lordcatfish

    2005 demo title.

    Somewhat pointless question I guess. What is the official title of this release? Does it have an official title? I've seen it referred to as 'Demo', 'Demo 2005' and 'To-Mera' and just wondered.
  3. lordcatfish

    Favourite To-Mera riffs

    In another bid to try and keep the board a bit more active, I came up with this (very original) thread. So yeah, exactly what the thread title says basically. Try and limit it to about 5 per album (I know that's hard because they have A LOT of riffs, but that's the challenge). I'll post my list...
  4. lordcatfish

    Transcendental promo

    Anyone know where I could get a promo version of Transcendental? Having recently won a promo version of Delusions on eBay, I see this as an opportunity to start a little collection of To-Mera stuff. Also, I'm sure there was a To-Mera shirt which had the logo and a reddish design around it not...
  5. lordcatfish


    I looked around for this, couldn't find it, so feel free to delete if it's already been asked. Anyway, I'd hate to sound like a retard, but I'm just wondering how the band name is properly pronounced. I say it as: To (as in two) - Mer (like 'hear' with an m at the start) - A (er) Just...
  6. lordcatfish

    Euro tour

    I've only just read about the tour that's in the works for the new year, thought I'd make a thread about it. The post on myspace mentioned 'two great bands' who To-Mera will tour with which sounds pretty exciting. Kreator and Celtic Frost recently announced a co-headlining tour for March and...
  7. lordcatfish

    Gigs this past weekend (3rd and 4th)

    Anyone go to or have any details/setlists about the two gigs this past weekend?
  8. lordcatfish

    London tickets for sale

    I bought four tickets for the London show on 26th of Jan but due to transport problems can't go any more. If anyone wants any tickets PM me. Price is £14 per ticket plus £1.50 p+p. I know there's a thread for the London show but the guy got tickets so I figured that thread would die.
  9. lordcatfish

    Anyone go to the gig at Räntämetalli 12.11.2005?

    Anybody on here go? If so, how was it, what was the set list like?