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  1. Lionheart747

    Get well soon Nigel

    As previously said, people are using the new forum...but i just wanted to say NIGEL, GET WELL SOON, AND GET BACK BEHIND THAT BLOODY DRUM KIT, WHERE YOU BELONG....
  2. Lionheart747

    Saxon 2011

    Been a bit greedy now, but i will say Saxon 2011 was great, not only did they play my home town, but i managed to see them in Leamington and London (twice), should they announce Donington i may invest in a ticket, HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone who still reads this forum
  3. Lionheart747

    I wish we were all back on here...

    i know many people won't read this and i know i was a late starter on the forum (over here) but just reading some of the comments on the other forum, i wish we were back on here, i was just reading some of my PM's and back then everyone pulled together, any comment made had good criticism and...
  4. Lionheart747

    Just seeing if anyone else is still about on here..

    As the title say's just wondering, i got fed up with the other forum, don't get me wrong i still have a wee look and comment on various things, but i started on here and well this is home :-)
  5. Lionheart747

    Anyone doing any festivals...

    As the title suggests, is anyone going to any Festivals? if Saxon announced Donington (Download) i would consider it, but as Fingers "pointed" out they could only play for 30 - 45 mins.
  6. Lionheart747

    It's my birthday............

    Well 2 weeks after the Sheffield concert,and as i know alot of you are coming up,down or even other to the concert,so let's make a plan to meet up and have a few drinks,most of us our staying in The Hotel Bristol,so i aim to be there by 2.30 on the Friday,so any suggestions...
  7. Lionheart747


    I would like to take this opportunity and wish everyone A HAPPY 2007,cannot wait to see you all at Sheffield,and the rest of the tour!!! please say hello and also the SAS link too ....:danceboy:
  8. Lionheart747

    What Christmas song would you think Saxon would cover.....

    I would love Biff and the boys to cover The old Slade chestnut,all together now....."so here it is Merry Christmas,everyones having fun..............":kickass:
  9. Lionheart747

    Friday Puns.............sorry people!!!

    ALL PUNS INTENDED! 1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. 2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything." 3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and...
  10. Lionheart747

    Friday joke........sorry folks

    A little ballon goes to his mum and dad in bed.He asks if he can get in with them.Dad says no and sends him back to his own bed.Later the little ballon goes back to his mum and dad's bed.They're asleep so he tries to get in bed with them,but there is no room so he lets some air out of his...
  11. Lionheart747

    "Pretend Monsters of Rock" concert.

    If you were a promoter and had loads of dosh what bill would you put together... Ok mine would be: IRON MAIDEN plus guests JUDAS PRIEST SAXON MOTORHEAD UFO DIAMOND HEAD Notice something there.....and if anyone from the past was added a certain Mr Hendrix......oh well....but in an...
  12. Lionheart747

    I know where Goss is?

    I went to see Hayseed Dixie last night and i must say if you want a fun night with lots of hill billy covers please go and see them,hey music doesn't have to be serious all the time....anyway my point Goss is the Banjo Player in the band...if it isn't him then,he must be his long lost brother...
  13. Lionheart747

    S.A.S (Saxon appreciation society)

    Ok this is a long shot and a lot of typing,so sit down with your coffee,tea,lager or whatever you are gonna be drinking!!!(and i apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes)about the time of Metalhead i looked into doing the SAS (Saxon Appreciation Society) i called it that because i thought...
  14. Lionheart747

    Any Saxon hold got memories for anyone...whether funny or serious

    I remember when 747 was released i brought the single from Woolworths,any young Saxon fans out there,there wasn't anyway of knowing where it charted you had to listen to Radio 1 on a Sunday afternoon,anyway i was getting ready to go out and my mate phoned and said turn on the Radio as Saxon are...
  15. Lionheart747

    Eagle has Landed 3 - comments please

    I got mine on Saturday and i must say the new Lionheart songs blew my eyebrows off....the only thing i will say (sorry boyz) the drums sometimes are muddy then tinny but overall it is a great CD.So anybody want to add to that.....................:kickass:
  16. Lionheart747

    Congratulations to Lordi and Ozzy....

    Hey come on Lordi may not be everyones cup of tea,but seeing them live was a great gig....and at least it shows ROCK WILL NEVER DIE.....
  17. Lionheart747

    Well done Saxon for a kickass gig last night at the Astoria

    Well what can i say Saxon at the Astoria last night,over 2 hours of the classics (and even Lionheart thrown in,since it was St George's day)any fans going on this tour you will not be dissapointed,i am going tonight to see them at Wolverhampton and and cannot wait,hopefully Paxoman,Sammi,Goss or...
  18. Lionheart747

    Right let's make the Astoria a night to remember...

    Come on boys and girls,let's make the Astoria a loud one and then you never know we may get them back at The Hammersmith again one day....what do you think.......:kickass:
  19. Lionheart747

    Just read this on total rock....

    Saxon Go Backwards » 18 Jan 06 Saxon are to concentrate on the classic albums 'Wheels Of Steel', 'Strong Arm Of The Law', 'Denim And Leather' and 'Power & The Glory' for their upcoming UK tour. Mirroring a recent tour of Germany, the band will only play songs from these records at: London...
  20. Lionheart747

    Saxon's best support groups....