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  1. King Richard

    Happy Father's Day

    Still fucking bizarre that this holiday applies to me. Nevertheless, happy father's day to all those who are. Cheers!
  2. King Richard

    NFL 2016

    Ok, it's time to move on. Let's kick things off the right way: Colts win Super Bowl 51. Thoughts?
  3. King Richard

    Little Update

    :wave: Well, I haven't been around here that much lately because I work too much. But I figured I'd give all my dudes and dudettes a little update: my girlfriend is pregnant, going on 13 weeks. Found out today it's a girl. holyyyy shiiiiit
  4. King Richard

    UM Fantasy Football League VIII

    In the words of the great Anderson Silva: I back. Yes, I realize it's only February but I'm determined to destroy you fuckholes this year and reclaim my crown as the GOAT. Some changes I'm considering: 1) Keeper league, details to come 2) Possibly a money league in the range of $5-20...
  5. King Richard

    Memorial Day is a Joke and so is your Face

    I hate this day. I hate how people decide to pretend like they give a shit for one day. I hate how people say "thank you for serving." I hate how people are too stupid to think for themselves and realize they're being lied to. I hate how people boast about national pride as if that's even...
  6. King Richard

    Pink Crustaceans and Good Vibrations

    I get tired of trying to figure where to share good news about my life as far as specific threads goes. So I decided that creating a thread where we can share interesting and cool shit that's going on in our lives, or if you just want to humblebrag you can do that as well. Disclaimer: Nothing...
  7. King Richard

    Gun Master Debate

    Let's stop shitting up other threads with gun talk and start/continue the discussion here. Don't act like cunts in here either. If you make a statement support it. So here we go... Why do you feel this way? Btw, M16's aren't fully automatic rifles, they have semi-auto and three round burst...
  8. King Richard

    2013 New Year's Resolutions

    Let's keep this thread active all year and really push each other and hold each other accountable for what they say. Motivation is the key to accomplishing goals, and motivation/pressure from your peers is a good thing to keep you on track. Also, each month I expect a short update on the status...
  9. King Richard

    Happy 9/11 Day

    I want to be the first to say Happy 9/11 Day to you and yours.
  10. King Richard

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's BACK!!!!

  11. King Richard

    Sign this Petition to Free an Innocent Man

    I saw this on my Twitter feed earlier and thought it was absolutely absurd. Please take a few minutes to sign this petition requesting the Obama administration to put some pressure on the Indonesian government to release a guy sentenced to jail time for questioning the existence of God. Thanks...
  12. King Richard

    The first annular Solar Eclipse visible from the United States in 18 years

    There are two solar eclipses this year. If you haven't experienced it yet, dude, you're in for a treat. Annular solar eclipse on May 20–21, 2012 The first solar eclipse in 2012 will be an annular solar eclipse on May 20–21. This is the first annular eclipse visible from the...
  13. King Richard

    Dust In The Wind (travel thread)

    I'm actually surprised this topic doesn't have it's own official thread yet. Anyway, unfortunately I backed out of MDF this year, shit got too expensive for me (I'm bleeding money and don't have a job because of school (yet)). However, I am flying to Austin, Texas on my spring break from...
  14. King Richard


    This has been a topic that has bothered me for a very long time. It's those forced apologies people give to the public when they royally fuck up. Case in point: On Monday Night Football, the insufferable Ron Jaworski said "shit" on the air. Everyone pretended like nothing happened and they...
  15. King Richard

    UM Fantasy Football League V

    Fuckin a brochachos, it's time. Throw your name in the fire if you want in. Starting roster size is 10 for now. First come first serve, but those who participated last year get first dibs on spots. Hopefully this year I'll last through to the end of the playoffs, which have been the bane...
  16. King Richard

    NFL 2011

    New thread ldo. And to kick us off I've got some great news for everyone except the Colts and Colts fans: Colts S Bob Sanders Has Been Released According To Owner Jim Irsay siiiiiiiiiiiiigh
  17. King Richard

    Black Friday / Early Christmas Purchases

    I know most of us aren't stupid enough to actually go out and shop on Black Friday, so I've been doing a bit of shopping online, looking around for good deals and figured this would be an interesting topic on UM. So far the only thing I've purchased are books for myself, Hitler's War by David...
  18. King Richard

    What would you do: Take the money and run, or turn it in?

    Ironically, just the other day I was just talking to my friend at work about winning the lottery and other such nonsensical ways of making a fortune, including an armored vehicle "dropping" or "leaving" a bundle of cash for me to take and make my own. Well, that's exactly what happened...
  19. King Richard

    UM Fantasy Football League IV

    Discuss anything fantasy. Reminder: The UM league still needs one more person, so if you want to play and are willing to stay active, PM me your email and I'll send you an invite. Go Colts!