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  1. H

    Hypocrisy - 26.09.13 Toulon – France. Is there anybody coming?

    Hello everyone, My name is Rafael, I'm from Brazil and I run the official brazilian Hypocrisy website. For a strange coincidence, I'm here in France doing some training for my job, and I noticed that Hypocrisy is going to do a gig in a city called Toulon, in France. Is there anybody...
  2. H

    Hypocrisy (Penetralia) - The Abyss (Gold Editions)

    Hello everybody, You guys probably already know about the Penetralia Gold Disc CD edition ... but, I didn't notice until a week ago that both The Abyss albuns were also released under this Gold Disc edition, and it was also been remastered, and released by Metal Mind Productions. My question...
  3. H

    Hypocrisy Brazilian Site

    Hello Everybody just a quick one: My name is Rafael, I'm from Brazil and of course I'm a huge Hypocrisy fan, I know, this is my first post but I'm making a Brazilian Hypocrisy Fan Site, with intentions to be ( who knows ? ) some kind of official one, and I think now it's time to give the...