Search results

  1. muzmaze

    DRYGVA- Son of The Mighty Rod

    Looking for help or recs to where i may be able to purchase Drygvas cd. They are a Russian folk metal band who had one release and then unfortunately split up. Poorly represented by their label and cant find this release anywhere online, sites or stores etc.and have tried other methods ; ). A...
  2. muzmaze

    2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

    3 days 17 hours from this time and counting til the start. Huge fan of both winter and summer. Network coverage will consist of many chanels covering a total of almost 1500 hours...almost double the coverage we've ever seen before. Of course there will be both live and tape delay coverage for...
  3. muzmaze

    Apps / Widgets

    Totally fixated on them, more with my phone than PC. Recs / suggestions. Finally nixed my stock scorecenter app, didnt like update. Rec the -CBS sports app, love it. After trying a bunch of weather apps, went back to my Androids stock Weather (accu) app -great update here. Other recs... -1 tap...
  4. muzmaze

    bands similar to Dream Evil & Primal Fear

    I know there are a zillion types in this genre, but im looking for recommendations toward the heavier side similar to both of these bands. Ive checked out DE and PF in the past and was turned away by the lighter cheesier music. Recently revisited more in depth both bands and found their heavier...
  5. muzmaze

    MLB Playoffs

    Not my fave sport to follow as far as reg season. But other than NHL playoffs, nothing like Fenway in the Fall and Oct baseball as a whole! I think its totally wide open for any team to win it this year. Im glad the Sox are back in it with a gritty team that has had contributions from everyone...
  6. muzmaze


    Looking more for the raw legit type of these bands and not crap like As I Lay Dying and Ulver wich I see no real comparison after researching. If Im not familiar enough with these bands and or slight them its not intended. note- already much into Amon Amarth, Tyr, Turisas, Fejd. thanks
  7. muzmaze

    Any SVARTSOT fans?

    Just discovered Svartsot and really digging them. They're like a perfect mix of bands like Amon Amarth, Tyr, Turisas etc. all in wich I thoroughly enjoy.
  8. muzmaze

    This summers- MAYHEM FEST

    Any takers? I just ordered my tix and ecstatic that the mighty Amon Amarth will be on the main stage.:kickass:
  9. muzmaze

    any fans of FEJD here?

    I'm guessing this won't spark much interest but wtf!...its been quiet here. Recently discovered the folk metal band- FEJD. They definitely lean towards the folk side of things wich I don't mind at all...yet they are still heavy in a different kind of way. The vocals are (non english) in thier...
  10. muzmaze


    Any fans of Fejd out there? It seems like I've been searching forever for a band like this...thrilled to have found them! Fejd is considered a folk / metal band with thier style leaning more towards folk. Whatever the genre...I like them for what they are. Bands like Tyr, Amon Amarth...
  11. muzmaze


    We've probably been over this before but figured while its quiet here...wth! To the regulars here...we all know how special the Bone Carver is. The epic story, the killer songs, an amazing performance from each member at the given time etc. My first impression was like holy shit...maybe an...
  12. muzmaze

    The "I didn't realize to the extent of" thread...

    This can be anything from all spectrums that we are familiar with but didn't quite realize. Be it how much an actor / actress appeals...just how hot the womens U.S. soccer team actually many good songs exist from a somewhat unknown band etc. Guess I'd start with- Though I'm...
  13. muzmaze

    TYR- covering old-school Sabbath and Rainbow

    TYR- one of my favorite metal band these days covering Sabbaths "I" and Rainbows "Stargazer" . Like many here I grew up and was introduced to metal by the likes of Sabbath & Rainbow etc. But honestly I've never heard these two great songs until just recently. I think TYR flat-out did an amazing...
  14. muzmaze

    news: Osama bin Laden is dead!
  15. muzmaze

    PAGAN'S MIND (new stuff)

    A track from the upcoming release- Heavenly Ecstasy. As usual...AMAZING!
  16. muzmaze

    TYR - THE LAY OF THE THRYM- May 2011

    HAIL TYR! Can't wait for thier new release...such an amazing band!
  17. muzmaze

    TURISAS- Stand Up And Fight!

    2 tracks from the new CD. Sounding epic as ever...WOW!
  18. muzmaze

    Porn name game

    probably been done before...simple n silly. take your first owned pets name (Spanky) and combine it with your first address street name (Hillsdale). SPANKY HILLSDALE go...
  19. muzmaze

    fave tune from ur fave band(s)

    This is hard...but pick only one if you had to. Pick two / honorable mention is accepted. TYR- Sinklars Visa...or The Edge PYRAMAZE- The Birth...or Souls In Pain PAGANS MIND- Resurrection Back In Time...or Osiris Triumphant Return COMMUNIC- Under A Luminous Sky ROB ROCK- Lion Of Judah...
  20. muzmaze

    lookn for good ole uptempo classic edgy metal

    New or old bands..similar to the vids below. Don't like the growl...nor the cheesy highpitch vox. Of course the more unknown / underground bands never hurt and usually deliver. Cheerz!