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  1. biggs0072000

    Say Howdeh!

    So, I moved out of my folk's house a few years ago,and pretty much the only way I had of surfing the net was via my Blackberry. To avoid a very long and boring post, I've got my net back on the up and up, and just wanted to pop in and say Hi.
  2. biggs0072000

    Nothing Important Here, Move Along...

    Howdy. My PC died a little over six months ago, so I unfortunately NEVER get a chance to check in on here anymore, and just wanted to post a quick howdy. stuff. xD
  3. biggs0072000

    Kreator-Atlanta May 13th Role Call

    Who's going just out of curiosity? It'd be cool to run into some of the forum members and share a beer (or 76, doesn't matter to me. =D). Also, It'd be fun to see if thre are any other Belphegor fans here.
  4. biggs0072000

    Hey Strangers

    So, although I've been lurking in here for months, I finally got on the up and up after moving out, and just wanted to drop a howdy for the three people who'd give a damn. =D What's up?
  5. biggs0072000

    Atlanta Gigantour Roll Call!

    Who's going? I'll probably bust out with the PP VII shirt for this show.
  6. biggs0072000

    What's more metal than steel?

    Howdy. A friend of mine recently got work helping to build a site that caters to the craft of blacksmithing. Seeing as how a lot of the people I've talked to through the fest are into blades of various types (I'm hinting at you Paul!), I figured it'd be a good idea to post a link here...
  7. biggs0072000

    Ragnarok Online

    Anyone else here play this game? I just got sucked in again after not playing for two years, and was just curious.
  8. biggs0072000

    Happy Birthday!

    TO ME. Yay for turning 21, and the massive ammount of legal booze I'll be drinking at PP this year.
  9. biggs0072000

    30 Days of Night

    Please God, don't let this movie suck. The comic series that the movie is based on is amazing, so I'm freaking the fuck out about the film comming out today. Anyone else raiding their local Theater to catch it today?
  10. biggs0072000

    The Offical "I'm new here" thread

    Just wanted to post a thread for anyone who joined the forum after this year's fest. Howdy. \m/
  11. biggs0072000

    Starbucks Coupons

    Just so you guys at the fest know: I went to Starbucks this morning, and the guy working was asking me about the fest, and when I told him that a "shitload" of people were there, he gave me a huge sack of "Buy one, get one" coupons. So, if you see a fat guy who looks like Jack Black and Chris...
  12. biggs0072000

    Slightly OT: Please Sign The ProgPower Necktie!

    Howdy. A good friend of mine found out about me going to this year's PP (who's now planning on attending next year), and when I asked about him wanting anything signed while I was there, he asked "Well, can you get a necktie, or is that sort of thing not "metal" enough for the PP crowd?"...
  13. biggs0072000

    Guilty Gear...

    This game is pretty much accepted as the unoffical fighter made for metal fans. There's all kinds of random ass metal references EVERYWHERE in this game, and the actuall fighting mechanics are some of the best I've seen in a 2D brawler (Smash Bros is great also. \m/) I was just wondering, who...
  14. biggs0072000

    Symphony X in Atlanta-August 7th. Roll Call!

    Although I'm sure that I fucked up the spelling of "Roll", just thought that I'd throw this on there. I'll be there, along with Michael (Gunstar9). Who can I expect to run into?
  15. biggs0072000

    Jukebox Hero..covered?

    I was just wondering, out of curiosity, if any heavier bands have ever covered this Foreigner classic. I'm all ready aware of the Soul Aslyum cover, and can't find anything else. I've just got a feeling that SOMEONE'S touched this.
  16. biggs0072000

    Hurra Torpedo

    Now, I know this is kinda out of the norm, and even a bit off topic for this kind of forum, but a band this hilarous should be heard by all. Taken from their homepage here: "Hurra Torpedo is the world's leading kitchen appliance rock group. Since 1993 they have played for full houses all...
  17. biggs0072000

    New Nocturnal Rites video, etc.

    Taken from Blabbermouth: Swedish melodic metal outfit NOCTURNAL RITES has posted its brand-new song "Never Again" at the band's myspace page. The video for "Never Again", which was directed by the band's drummer Owe Lingvall of Village Road Films (WOLF, CARNAL FORGE, MORGANA LEFAY), is...
  18. biggs0072000

    The most Anticipated Power Metal release of 2007

    Rather than post a poll, I figuered I'd just open the floodgates, and see who gets mentioned.
  19. biggs0072000

    So, what did YOUR favorite professional metalhead pick?

    I stumbled upon this dandy little survey of the best albums of 2006, as mainly reported by a plethora of our heros and most hated in the scene. Giggle...I said "scene" Surprises abound, like Milli picking Muse's newest. (WTF?) Imhotep
  20. biggs0072000

    Random Music related steals

    While I was in Atlanta for the Blind Guardian show, we found a Tower Records that was going out of business, and as a result, all albums were at least 60% off the retail price :OMG: So, my question is, What is the best random steal that you've gotten for any kind of music-related item? I...