Search results

  1. Jevil

    Tips or mic recomendation for my voice

    So I play in a funny/parody band in Spain. We have quite success in spite of my shitty voice, millions visits, sold out, and blabla.... I can sing, I can do it on tune, I can dub scales, but the texture and range is not suitable for metal, I'm baritone. The truth is that I can never capture the...
  2. Jevil

    Direct Amp profiling + SS Poweramp...and sell my amps?

    I've been thinking about lately about profiling my amps (direct amp), and play it through SS poweramp and 4x12 and sell my EVH and Savage. I've done a test and it is 95% accurate...without any tweaking in the profile. This is now possible with FW 3.0 (Merged profiles) Imagine having tons of...
  3. Jevil

    Humbucker wiring problems

    So the thing is that I instaled a SH6 humbucker in a guitar with just 1 pickup and 1 vol pot. Easy, right? Well the problen is that when I turn the pot down to mute the guitar it just turn down a bit of gain, no silence at all. Changed pot for another but still the same problem. Tried with...
  4. Jevil

    EVH 5150 III (Loop FX issue?)

    So I purchased an EVH5150III. I pluged my old Rocktron Intellifex in the FX Loop. I realized that there is almost no signal in the Input meter of the Rocktron. It should be near the yellow zone but it hardly flashes the first green led...and the INPUT knob in the Rocktron is at MAX!!! The FX...
  5. Jevil

    Engl Savage 120 profiles

    I did these profiles: Hope you like them.
  6. Jevil

    Kemper thorugh tube poweramp and cabinet

    My 2 cents. Cheers.
  7. Jevil

    Kemper thorugh tube poweramp and cabinet

    My 2 cents. http://youtube/KFtNVbdwqiY
  8. Jevil

    Reamping with Kemper

    I was reamping at home with my little M-Audio Profire and my Kemper succesfully when I realized that I had forgot to plug the Reambox! The signal went straight from the output of the soundcard to the Kemper's Input... The tone was ok, and everything worked perfect. It is supposed that the...
  9. Jevil

    Eng Metal pack for Kemper

    I've uploaded some free profiles for Metal of Savage 120 and 60, SE, Blackmore, E530. Including "just preamps" to play through poweramp and cab. Here is the demo video:
  10. Jevil

    Kemper for Live - Questions

    I'm mainly a stage guy so I wonder how good is the Kemper for live gigs and I have some questions. 1 - People profile amps with its cabs and mics, so what happens if I plug a Kemper to a poweramp and a cab? The signal is already passed thorugh a poweramp/cab/mic so it would be like doing it...
  11. Jevil

    SOULITUDE - New album out. Sneapsters colaborations.

    Well, finally I released the album online of my side project SOULITUDE. The album is called Requiem For A Dead Planet. It's been a bit like a pain in the ass due to so many colaborations of people from different bands and countries.... but I seem to be sodomite cause I really liked that...
  12. Jevil

    Question DI and DI Box (gain issue?)

    Hi, I've noticed that when I connect my Countryman 85 active DI Box to my audio interface, the recording has less gain than if I connecvt guitar direct to the Instrumnet input of my audio interface. Guitar -> Audim Interface Input = More gain Guitar -ZDI Box -> Input = Less gain I have to...
  13. Jevil

    What software to create your drumkits

    What software do you recommend to build your own multilayer drumkits? I'm thinkg about recording my own drum samples and then trigger it via midi.
  14. Jevil

    In search of a board

    I am in search of a board mainly for the practising room (just vocal mixing), but ocasionally to record some rehearsal or even live show. So I need about 16 channels. And it would be furcking great if it had Firewire or USB to connect an external HD, pendrive or whatever memory... or even built in.
  15. Jevil

    Savage Vs Blackmore (Video comparison)

    I don't normally record videos, but I've read a lot about Engl Savage and Blackmore being the same amps or totally different so I had the chance to borrow the Blackmore and put it against my Savage.
  16. Jevil

    Nocturnal Rites

    One of the most underrated metal bands ever. Huge fan since their first release back in 1995. Can't wait for the new album.
  17. Jevil

    SOULITUDE - New album (Sneapsters collab.). Heavy Metal Content.

    Hi, I'm finishing my latest SOULITUDE album called "Requiem For A Dead Planet" (Spring 2012) This is just a studio project I do on my spare time as musician and hobbyist AE, away from my regular live band. It is the fourth album and it will be free downloadable, as the previous ones. I always...
  18. Jevil

    SSD license issue.

    I bought SSD3 time ago (downloaded) Some days ago I upgraded my PC to Win7 and reinstaled everything again. I tried to enter SSD website to activate the software but I couldn't. cause I realized the account I used to register doesn't exists anymore and I can't remember the password neither...
  19. Jevil

    helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others behind school

    This is so disgusting. I would like to be there and cresh their fucking empty heads.
  20. Jevil

    Reamping vs guitar-amp-mic (old way)

    I'm noob at reamping. 2 or 3 times I've tried reamping at a friend's studio but the tone I get is more lifeless, dull, boomy, and more noisy. I've found that classic way sounds better (guitar-amp-mic-daw/tape), as we did in the past, so I'm trying to find where the problem is. - The reamp...