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  1. chrisdoig24k

    News / Politics

    Here is a thread to discuss news, politics and current events. I'll start it off by saying this. In a slight break from tradition, I find myself agreeing with Castro and Obama ahead of Bush. The shameful restrictions placed on US/Cuba trade and people movement have seen some respite, with...
  2. chrisdoig24k

    Problem: Audio dropping out

    Hi I don't really post here, but I have a problem with recording. I'm only running a basic home setup, but things are driving me nuts. I use Reaper as my DAW, but a lot of the time, after about two or three seconds of playback, the sound just cuts out completely. I built a good computer, so I...
  3. chrisdoig24k

    Cello cover of "Allure of the Earth"

    Sebastian Simpson and Chris Doig play "Allure of the Earth" on cello! I'm a good friend of Seb, and he's one of the best young cellists in Australia. We used to do Apocalyptica covers with a couple of other guys a while ago, but when I heard about this tribute album, I decided that Allure of...
  4. chrisdoig24k

    Carcharoth (me) cover of The Sea Of Immeasurable Loss Tell me what you think! Edit: Please :)
  5. chrisdoig24k

    The real genuine official Woods III discussion thread

    I know it hasn't come out yet, but if we could have one thread just for discussing the songs, art, etc. From what I've heard, I think it sounds excellent. My personal favourite song might be 'Distractions of Living Alone' or perhaps 'Your Ontario Town'. How about you?
  6. chrisdoig24k


    OK, so I thought this was going to be like laceration with a mace. Something br00tal like that. I was reading about wine making last night and look what I found in the glossary! Maceration Refers to period during which the must or wine remains in contact with the grape skins. Alcohol acts as...
  7. chrisdoig24k

    Ikuinen Kaamos

    I think it's about time I started posting in this forum. Has anybody here heard of Ikuinen Kaamos? I think they'd appeal to fans of Opeth very much. They're a little more black metal, using the occasional blast beat. The old vocalist (Henri Villberg from Rapture) is amazing, his range goes from...
  8. chrisdoig24k

    Swano banter

    Hmm, why is there no thread for Swano-related banter? What if we have an amusing anecdote that doesn't merit its own thread? Well here it is. I was at a party last night, full of dance-music-loving partiers. I was wandering around, and I overheard this girl saying 'No, I'm not going to do the...
  9. chrisdoig24k

    Update on Woods III?

    I just went on to the WoY myspace, and DAMN The Northern Cold is better than I had remembered it! Which got me thinking, is there any news on how WIII is coming along?
  10. chrisdoig24k

    Autumnal Winds

    Has anybody heard of them? I read three reviews on M-A comparing them to Opeth's Morningrise, Katatonia's Brave Murder Day and Agalloch. I also heard Falls of Rauros compared to them. I can't find any information on them. Does anybody know their webpage / somewhere I can get some of their music?
  11. chrisdoig24k

    Meat Loaf - Alive

    If anybody has the new(ish) Meat Loaf, they would most likely notice the similarities between 'Alive' and the Nightingale classic 'Still Alive'. I just got the new Meat Loaf, and there's this bit where everything stops and he goes 'I'm stiiill aliiiiiive! .............. I'm still alive!'...
  12. chrisdoig24k

    Noob question - reamping

    What is it? I've searched for it, but I always come up with 'best way to reamp' and such. Cheers!
  13. chrisdoig24k

    Ikuinen Kaamos

    Has anybody heard this band? They're a Finnish band which sounds kinda like Against the Seasons, but really different at the same time. They've only released one album called The Forlorn, and its quickly becoming one of my favourite albums. It has a pretty gloomy atmosphere... Acoustic sections...
  14. chrisdoig24k

    A new song by me - folky

    I have no idea how to describe this song. It was pretty natural, I picked up an acoustic guitar and pressed record. The intro is exacltly that take, and then after that, I figured out some chords and some more chords. Then I put pen to paper and pretty much wrote some words, it was really...
  15. chrisdoig24k

    Melodic brutal death metal from a n00b

    Hey guys, I'm pretty new to recording and mixing and all that jazz. This morning, I recorded a song called For The Crows, it's on and I'm really interested to get people's advice on how to make it better. I deliberately put the gain up on this song rather than down...
  16. chrisdoig24k


    I deciphered Dag's thick accent in The Making Of... I think it was Invisible. And he said something about 'Dan is using autotune (pronounced oototune :Smug: ) on the guitars'. I'm wondering what that particular oototune device that is, cause /me wants it.
  17. chrisdoig24k

    Guitar tone on Against The Seasons

    How in the name of god did you get such a brilliant guitar tone? The intro of 'A Meeting Place And Time' is so perfect... as is the rest of the album... What equipment was used, and on what approximate settings?
  18. chrisdoig24k

    Poor WoY jokes?

    OK, so this is the thread for making crappy jokes, wordplay on Woods... The other day, I got invited to a BBQ. I asked what time and place... from then on, I kept singing 'A Meat-eating Place And Time'! Feel free to a) shoot me or b) add your own crap jokes
  19. chrisdoig24k

    Children of Men

    Anybody heard about this movie? The situation is this: A post-apocalyptic future where humans have lost the ability to breed. Any idea when the script was written, and if the writer was a Swano fan?
  20. chrisdoig24k


    Hey, sorry about this but i'm a n00b... I'm a monster fan of old Katatonia (Brave Murder Day, Saw You Drown + demos). I say theyre a large influence on my own writing. Anyway, what I was wondering was, what albums/tracks did Dan contribute to?