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  1. T

    Overall, I think In Flames are still good!

    I want to start this thread to ask - why does everyone dislike the rather recent sounds of In Flames? For me, the only gripe I have, is that really, In Flames have never been a band, in my opinion, that creates albums that are enjoyable as a whole - it really seems that filler tracks pop up...
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    DT responsible for metalcore bands?

    I've been trying to figure this out for the longest time, but it seems to me like DT invented a million things heard in all the new metalcore/deathcore bands out there. One big factor is the death screech growl thing. I can't find a single band before The Gallery came out to have vocals that...
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    Long live Novembre.

    To be honest, about every 6 months I'll go through a huge Novembre kick. They are one of my 6 favorite bands of all time, and for me, I'll usually be into a band per month, then the process starts all over again. For September, it was Opeth. For October, it's going to be Novembre. (haha weird...
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    New Black Dahlia Murder album coming out!!

    I wish this forum had a tbdm forum, but it doesn' I figured I post a thread about it here. BDM is pretty much the newest mainstream death band that has any good relation to the melodeath style, and if anyone could have saved it, it coulda been them. Sadly, alot of their music kinda fades...
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    Opeth's new album: Insomnicide

    I was doing my occasional wikipedia sweep, and I saw on Opeth's page that it was announced on Mike's/Opeth's Twitter page that the new Opeth album is going to be named Insomnicide. It sounds like a joke to me, even if Mike is the one doing the joke, cuz Insomnicide just is not a Opeth title. It...
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    Derelict Herds...

    Personally, I love this track. I find it painful to listen to Watershed without it, somehow, to me, this track completes the albulm perfectly. The subject of a freind dying (portrayed in the albulm artwork), the experimental keyboards (which kind of reoccurs through the albulm), the amazing...
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    Short version of The Lotus Eater?

    Does anyone have this version? It says on wiki that it was featured on some compilation cd, i think Fear Candy 55 or some crap. Like hell I'm going to buy it, so any chance anyone has the song? I think that if they did it right, a shortened Lotus Eater would sound really good if your wanted...
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    Watershed/ Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow

    Alright, go watch Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow movie if anyone wants to catch on to some "maybe" connection's with this movie. Garuntee about every 15 mins you'll hear a different title of a track of Watershed, or something that was in the lyrics, or whatever. Basically, tim burton added tons...
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    What is the deal with this word? Every metal band in the world is now using this word in a song/interveiw. Dark Tranquilllity used it like a year ago in their lyrics. Disturbed used it as a song title and in the lyrics. Corey Taylor said it in a slipknot interveiw about ona the new songs, so the...
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    About peter leaving....

    Honestly I'm blaming this new album suckage on Peter leaving. Everyone says he had to contribution to the writing process, but it even says on the Opeth site that Peter and Mike write music together. Honestly i dont think Opeth is the same without him and in a bad way. Perosnally, when i...
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    Best time to be a Opeth fan?

    I personally found out about and got into Opeth as soon as Ghost Reveries came out, but i wanna hear about what it was like to be a fan of them before that. I would have loved to have been born alot longer ago, and found out about Opeth a lot longer ago. Anyone remember what they felt like...
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    How do you pronounce the name Opeth?

    was talking to a freind of mine about it... I pronounce it exactly like it looks like, Opeth. He says it's like Opeeth. (the 'e' making a 'e' sound like in the word Reef) And i say Opeth like the 'e' making a 'eh' sound. I personally like my sound of it better, as it makes a lower...
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    ???;jsessionid=0a0109441f439438bf0009334dc185249b39085b0f03.e3eTaxmKbNaNe3qTe0?it=A&id=19985&sc=13&category=90643 Wonders: If this site is really beleivable. If the "signed booklet" is real, and not signed by some random person. What in the world is the...
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    A question i havent seen

    Is the band's name "Novembre" pronounced like "Novembray" or just "November" I know that spanish pronounciacian would pronounce "Novembre" like "Novembray" and spanish comes from italian (or vice versa) So...was wondering if anyone could clear this up? maybe with like a video or something...