Search results

  1. Grumble Grumble

    Maybe Jonas is a fan? Har Har, i was just watching the episode of it and my friend said(sarcastically obviously) "why not start a thread about it?" So here i am, maybe Jonas has a huge love for the Goosebump books? or it could be this...
  2. Grumble Grumble

    Music video for "the Day and then the shade" I simply do not like it.
  3. Grumble Grumble

    good place to buy band merchandise

    Im sure its been kicked around here a ton, and feel free to berate me all you wish. Im in dire need of some new shirts/beanies/hoodies and the like, any places you guys order stuff from would be great(im looking at peaceville right now for some anathema shirts) but yea primarily i would...
  4. Grumble Grumble

    Guilty pleasure songs.

    There may be a thread such as this already, i apologize in advance if there is. that doesnt fit into your main musical regime...discuss..... Me; i listen to primarily metal obviously.....But i also listen to a fair selection of dance music, and old classic stuff(CCR and simon...
  5. Grumble Grumble

    how un-legit is this? green teargas shirt? lol wut?
  6. Grumble Grumble

    Hellhammer VS. Frost

    Seems the world is all over frost's balls, he is a pretty fantastic drummer, dont get me wrong but ive only heard him in 1349 and gorgoroth, but still solid drummer. but holy christ hellhammer is quite fitting of his name, i love the man's skill. well im a lil short on words atm so...
  7. Grumble Grumble

    favorite beer(S)

    I figured what the hell, im sure we all/most of us drink so lets discuss our favorite beers/alcohols/mixed drinks/homebrews anything is fair game. Im slowly entering the world of beer, ive only had a handful, heineken(pretty good) new castle brown ale(really good), bud light(its, aight), and...
  8. Grumble Grumble

    something i just noticed.

    so im sitting here listening to Geist "for the love of the swan" from the december songs, and about half way through i finally realized what the guy in teh background is singing. He is singing plates 21-22 from ulver's "A marriage of heaven and hell" interesting very much so!!!
  9. Grumble Grumble

    gettin there.

    So i was just eating dinner with my family, and watching tv(we have charter digital cable, its a fairly large provider in my local area, as well as outlying cities). There is a format called "In Demand" in which you can watching tv shows, movies, documetarys, and music videos at your leisure. So...
  10. Grumble Grumble

    A suggestion thread for you all.

    Awhile back, i posted a picture of my friend(alphacorvus)'s ipod in which he got engraved with the lyrics "my dreams of violence see them coming true" which i thought was an awsome idea. Well, im soon to purchase an ipod myself from apple's site, and you can get free laser engraving on it...
  11. Grumble Grumble

    re-hash i believe

    A while back i started a thread looking for depressive music, and boy did you guys ever point me towards the light. figuratively speaking :p depressive being dark and ... etc you know hehe hehe but one band (thank you fateful) that was pointed out was Lampshade...
  12. Grumble Grumble

    "great" start to a new year

    hopefully you sense my sarcasm in that title..... First off a really good friend of mine is moving to arizona to start his career in less than 24 hours bummer. Secondly another good friend of mine is going to iraq in 2 days to fight in teh war. bummer. Aside from that, its just boring...
  13. Grumble Grumble

    everybody vote......

    .....for ulver i know you all know of them, but yes i truely love this band, show some love.
  14. Grumble Grumble

    happy thanksgiving!!

    To all you fellow americans, and to the rest of you as well! im thankful fore friends family music video games katatonia being legal drinking age this year boobs porcupine tree steven wilson ulver now everybody eat a ton of food today, have some beers and relax all night. And...
  15. Grumble Grumble

    Looking for Depressive music

    Im going through a whole lotta crap right now,friends,family,money,holidays comnig up :Puke::erk: As the title says maybe you could help me out? I mean we all know the foremost obvious choice, katatonia. thats what really drew me to them their depressive,down,sad lyrics. BUt yea im in the...
  16. Grumble Grumble

    my friend's ipod

    This is a pointless thread i know i apologize, but i think the reasoning behind it is of total logic. my friend justin(alphacorvus,he posts rarely) sent me this picture of his ipod he got in the mail from the applestore yesterday. I think its fucking fantastic personally. i also...
  17. Grumble Grumble

    Was i dreaming?.....

    .....Or was there a thread about 5-7 months back that stated, albums such as LFDGD, and DO and such were being rereleased on vinyl by years end? If this is true then HOT DAMN im excited, and looking forward to spending more money this fall.
  18. Grumble Grumble

    Detroit show 9-13-07

    Aside from me and reece who is going to this? seriously everybody has to come out, last year's turn out was pretty good, we need more. Come on its katatonia's headlining show!!!!!!! and also after midnight ill be 21 so we can drink :goggly::rock::kickass: i will be wearing my tour shirt...
  19. Grumble Grumble

    unlucky why does katatonia's opener for the detroit show have to suck so much balls? that is all:u-huh:
  20. Grumble Grumble


    holy fucking shit...... why have i never heard these guys until like a month ago? they are fucking absolutely phenominal. and they have a live dvd coming out this october!!!!