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  1. ThisIsACoolName


  2. ThisIsACoolName

    Computer Issue

    Ok, so, my computer (a Dell Inspiron something something running windows xp) is doing this new thing where it won't read discs, and then when I shut it down, it won't boot back up. It just stops on the black screen with "DELL" across is, so I can't actually DO anything. It's happened twice so...
  3. ThisIsACoolName

    Lamented Souls

    While dicking around on MA looking at Black Metal stuff, I ended up on Lamented Souls' page (seeing as Vortex is apparently in like 80 different bands). Now they've definitely been recommended to me before, and of course I'm always looking for more good doom, so I decided to listen to some of...
  4. ThisIsACoolName

    Appreciating Death Metal

    Perhaps this is a stupid question, and one which can be answered simply "keep listening". However, I'll go ahead and ask it anyway: How does one appreciate Death Metal? I bought Ribspreader's Congregating the Sick, and after I couple of listens (listening right now, in fact) I enjoy it quite...
  5. ThisIsACoolName

    Childhood Misconceptions.

    I was remembering earlier some of the ridiculous misconceptions I had about the world when I was a little tyke. Specifically, when I was about of nursery school age (no older than five, barley old enough to remember). I'm sure that I had many, but the ones that I recalled today were: - When I...
  6. ThisIsACoolName

    Jokes jokes jokes.

    I wanted to post this in that "Is my humor to exclusive"? thread, but it seems to be gone, and I didn't want to bump the tasteless joked thread because tasteful jokes are much better. ANYWAY... This is my favorite, so read it. I copied it from somewhere else so if you spot any spelling errors...
  7. ThisIsACoolName


    This thread is all about Mathias.
  8. ThisIsACoolName

    Epic Doom

    Well I'm not sure if I'm using the right term here, but essentially what I am looking for is some doom along the lines of Candlemass. I've had very little exposure to doom in general, but something in that style would be preferable. Yeah, I've wanted to get into more doom for a while now, but...
  9. ThisIsACoolName

    Who stabbed The Ozzman?

    Alright, everyone. I'm sure many of you have heard about the attack on forum-goer The Ozzman that left him with severe pain in his side for a brief time. It is the opinion of those of us whose opinions count that he may have been stabbed, and I personally believe that a gypsy curse of some sort...
  10. ThisIsACoolName

    Old Nick Shows

    Most of us here are in our early 20's or late teens, if I'm not mistaken. Therefore, most of us probably have fond memories of watching Nickelodeon back in the day, and of course no forum is complete without an old Nick shows nostalgia thread. Anyway, I decided to post this because today one of...
  11. ThisIsACoolName

    The Thread.

    I am starting a thread. This Thread right here. My intention is for this thread to be the greatest thread of all time. I can't do it myself, though; I need your help to make this thread truley amazing. I hope that someday our grandchildren will hear someone say "The Thread", and know instantly...
  12. ThisIsACoolName

    Do Zombies listen to Death Metal?

    if they existed, you figure they would listen to it? Note. Parody thread
  13. ThisIsACoolName

    Another fucking story thread!

    ***There are plenty of "story" threads in here, but they all impose limitations on how one can contribute. "Three words", "song title", and so on. This one is completley free-form. Add a word, a sentence, a paragraph or more. Add a drawing. Add a sound recording. Add whatever you want. The only...
  14. ThisIsACoolName

    Friends Meralcore band.

    A buddy of mine from High School is in an Metalcore band called The Season and the Arsonist. It's not my style, but I know there are some people here who like some Metalcore, so I figured I'd help spread the word a bit. Again, this is more of a...
  15. ThisIsACoolName

    Let's name some Metal bands.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in that sometimes I think about how cool it might be to play in a metal band. I have no intention of ever doing so, but it sure is fun to think about it. One of the tougher things about having an imaginary metal band is coming up with a name. I think it might be amusing...
  16. ThisIsACoolName

    I dreamed metal.

    The other night, I dreamt that I was listening to this fucking amazing metal band. I don't really know how to describe them, really, but they kind of reminded me of a heavier and faster Symphony X. The band in my dream, despite how sick they were, had a pretty weak name: "Alicia"... why, I have...
  17. ThisIsACoolName

    I need some new stuff, man.

    Yo, everybody. I need to find some more metal bands to listen to. I've liked metal for a few years now, but I only know a few bands, and in most cases a I only know a handful of their songs. My metal library (in other words, what's on my iPod...) is so small that it's pretty sad. It consists...
  18. ThisIsACoolName

    Looking for more metal...

    Hey, everyone. So, I've liked metal for a while now, but the spectrum of what I listen to is pretty narrow- not on purpose, but because I'm not sure how to go about finding other metal bands to listen to. Yeeap.