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  1. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Happy Birthday Squeee!

    Yeh so I'm like, 2.5 hours early but before I forget (Which of course I wouldn't anyway :Saint:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNIC you little muffin thingie.
  2. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Which Song Best Describes Your Life Atm?

    Pretty self-explanatory, state which song basically sums up your life right now, today, this month or whatever. You can also share a specific lyric of the song if you I'll start. My Eternal Beloved - Slechtvalk "At last our eyes, they meet again I feel a shiver through my veins...
  3. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    The 3 Word Story

    I hope this hasn't been done before, whatever, if it has then SORRY, CALM DOWN :lol: We're going to create the most random fucked up story ever, but each person can only use 3 words at a time. I'll start: Once there was...
  4. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    What colour is your underwear.

    This is what happens when I'm bored. Well whatever, the title is a good enough explanation Lime green.
  5. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Dumbest thing ever said/done...

    What's the stupidest thing that's ever slipped out of your mouth or that you've done without meaning to? I guess mine would be the time my brother was complaining about our new shampoo and I said "Ugh, you're such a chick. I'm so glad I'm not one!" :erk: And sometimes I'm really fucking...
  6. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Strange Fact

    Okay you have to be brave and post one strange but TRUE fact (...well facts are techically supposed to be true anyways) about yourself. I guess that means I have to start :erk: I still sleep with a teddy bear :blush: Okay your turn.
  7. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Your Nicknames

    This could be amusing:p What interesting names do people call you on a regular basis?
  8. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Most Embarassing Moment

    Yeah, you know you wanna tell us...
  9. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Clothes n shit.

    I was determined to post a thread that hasn't been created yet...I don't think. Anyhow, I know some people are crazy about the way they dress themselves and such, so describe your style and the way you dress, post pics of your band T-shirts, etc, etc. Have fun and be merry:p
  10. xxprincess_wildchildxx


    I find them interesting. SHARE. I have 2 in each ear, my nose and my eyebrow pierced. Yeah pretty boring but meh I enjoy scaring people with my numerous holes. On my face that is.
  11. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Which Bodom Song Has the Best Drumming?

    So as a drummer and a Jaska lover, I enjoy drumming along to Bodom:p Which Bodom song is your favourite when it comes to the drumming? In my opinion, Warheart, Living Dead Beat and Trashed Lost & Strungout are Jaska's best. How about you?
  12. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Need tips on how to do blast beats!

    Hey there I play drums in a metal band and I'm having some difficulty doing blast beats/gravity blasts...I can do it a few moments before I have to stop because it starts to sound sloppy! If you could help me out that would be great...I'll love you forever heh. :p
  13. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Hey there!

    Hey there I'm new...well obviously. My name is Ariane...ummm...I'm the drummer of a metal band called Eulogy and I play guitar..I adore music, some of my faves are COB(well obviously) Crimson Moonlight Immortal Souls Slechtvalk Finntroll Extol Zao etc. :p