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  1. kalmah42090

    Long time no talk!

    Hey guys, it's been a while since i've been on here. Been pretty busy with life, and it sucks, haha. Anyways, i'm not sure if the guys in Kalmah will lock this thread or not, but i've recently started a new band, (it's not in the vein of Kalmah) but I think you guys would like it. Check it out...
  2. kalmah42090

    All Kalmah'd out?

    Sadly, the past few times i've sat down to listen to a Kalmah album, I get discouraged, and bored. It doens't have the same effect on me as it once did. The only album i can consistently listen to, and enjoy it in it's entirety is For the Revolution. That's because it's still fairly "new". Don't...
  3. kalmah42090

    Opeth on tour(Oct. 21, 2008)

    I live in central, Florida and am wanting to see Opeth at the House of Blues that night, and was just wondering if anyone had any info on any of the bands they would be playing with. I can't seem to find anything. I'm still going, because it's Opeth, haha(my first ever show from them, STOKED)...
  4. kalmah42090

    Kalmah? Repetetive?

    One of the main reason's I fell in love with Kalmah is the fact that all of their songs are extremely different, and each one has a unique element that makes it it's own. I have a friend who is into alot of metal, and I showed him Kalmah. The only thing he had to say was the he liked Bodom...
  5. kalmah42090

    Off Topic: "Construtive Criticism"

    I know this is a KALMAH forum, but since I know all of you have good tastes in music, if your actually on this forum, I want your opinion. I have been composing songs on Guitar Pro recently, and have created a myspace just to have an easy way to upload the songs and get other people's...
  6. kalmah42090

    Album Casing

    When I got For the Revolution in the mail, I noticed that the layout of the actual plastic casing looked and was shaped different than normal CD casings. Out of all the CD's I have...over 115, I dont' have a single CD with this kind of jewel casing. Does anyone else own albums like this, besides...
  7. kalmah42090

    Who wrote what?

    Reading the album booklet it says which members of the band "wrote" which songs. This runs as follows. For the revolution - Antti Dead Man's Shadow - Antti Holy Symphony of War - Antti Wings of Blackening - Antti and Pekka Ready For Salvation - Pekka Towards The Sky - Pekka Outremer...
  8. kalmah42090

    Kalmah live in Canada

    Found this browsing Youtube, only the solo part of hades, to the end of the song, but it's something:rock: Finally a Kalmah video with a good crowd:lol:
  9. kalmah42090

    Best and Worse of FTR

    Now, I believe every song on the new album has a place, and they are all good songs, but I want to hear what people have to say about their favorites and least favorites from the album. My favorite would have to be Wings of Blackening, and my least favorite is Towards the Sky.
  10. kalmah42090

    Mystery Guitarist

    I have been seeing this kid post alot of videos on youtube of him doing Kalmah covers, I think there is seven if my memory serves me right, but I think he is an exceptional player! Does anyone know who this guy is?
  11. kalmah42090

    Kalmah's Influences

    Throughout their career thus far Kalmah has had many different styles present in there music, what kind of bands do you guys think they draw influence from? I hear a Megadeth influence occaisonally, but that was mainly on They Will Return. Songs like The Blind Leader, and They Will Return...
  12. kalmah42090


    i have heard rumors that the new album will be titled "Dust". I know everyone has been saying it is called "For the Revolution", but where did this name "Dust" come from?
  13. kalmah42090

    Two hand tapping on BASS

    I have been trying to learn how to do two hand tapping on my basss, and I have been coming up short time and time again. Now, the kind of tapping I have in mind can be seen in this video I found on youtube. (This kid is a godly bassist by the way):kickass...
  14. kalmah42090

    Favorite bands?

    I am sure almost all of us listen to other bands besides Kalmah, and even though Kalmah is my absolute favorite, I think it would be cool to hear what other bands people listen too, to introduce each other to new music! My other favorites would have to be: Arsis Wintersun Dark Tranquillity
  15. kalmah42090


    I have started an unofficial, but approved by Kalmah, fan page on myspace! If you wish to support Kalmah, like we all do, help spread the word by adding the page, and telling people about it!!! Thanks = ]