Search results

  1. Melusina

    I am in love with Alissa from the Agonist

    Ok so for any of you that made it to the Nightwish shows probably saw her perform with Kamelot, but I have been following her band The Agonist for a couple of years when they opened for a show I was at. I fell in love with her voice almost instantly I am not usually a fan of their style of...
  2. Melusina

    Portland Nightwish show review

    Alright as promised here is my take on last nights show. First off as I have said I might not be the best person to do this because I do love Floor, but that being said I am not just giving her a free pass because I like her. I also consulted with my hubby as to his feeling on things because...
  3. Melusina

    Wedding Pictures and a Video of me singing at our Heavy Metal after party.

    Hello my OSA family. As some of you know part of why I have been so scarce around here is that I just got married two weeks ago!!! I had really wanted to join you all for a chat before the wedding, but those few weeks before the big day were crazy busy. I thought you might all enjoy seeing...
  4. Melusina

    Anette Parting with Nightwish

    We have been chatting about this in another thread, but I think it is appropriate for it to have it's own thread. Here is the Press Release from their Facebook page I have to say I am in a bit of shock right now about the whole thing.
  5. Melusina

    70000 tons of Metal

    I have officially booked my honeymoon tickets for 70000 tons of metal!!! Of course I wish that I would have been able to go last year and been on the boat with NW, but so far I am pretty excited about the line up, 3 of the bands from my wishlist have already made the boat so that makes me happy...
  6. Melusina

    Unique Wedding Music

    So when I met up with C. at the LA show she got to meet my wonderful fiancé and I got to tell her a little about my wedding and told her that Cloud, a name that will be familiar with that name, was hoping to attend the wedding. Well he not only is going to attend he has asked if he could play an...
  7. Melusina

    Leaves Eyes has a song about me!

    Ok I know I am totally behind the times, but I just heard the EP that Leaves Eyes released in December Melusine (another spelling of Melusina). I am in love with it and their new album that I also somehow missed being released, is quite good.