Search results

  1. Cello

    The Dutch Prog Exodus 2012 (Cello's travel plan)!

    Come one, come all, and join us on our anual travel to the best festival in the world. We'll be traveling by public transport with a large number of people. Each year we've done this it has proven to be a great success, so why not try again? The exodus this year will take place on thursday 4...
  2. Cello

    Happy birthday Andrew!

    It's Andrew's bday today, February 29th! That deserves a topic! ;) Have a good one!
  3. Cello

    Happy bday Gregg!

    As it turns out, Gregg ages as well! Have a good one Gregg and may any drunkeness this day result in creative, epic (prog) songs!
  4. Cello

    Happy bday Sam!

    Dunno if Sam checks the forum or not, but the 11th of July is his bday (according to his facebook page :P ) Have a good one, bass man!
  5. Cello

    April Fools Jokes

    You guys have prolly noticed that it's April Fools today, and maybe pulled a few pranks of your own. I figured it'd be a nice idea to gather the best ones all in one place :) Here's a few that I've come across today: 1. Google is hiring...Autocompleters 2. NEW! Google Motion! - Turn your...
  6. Cello

    Birthday party for Alex at the Zoetermeer show!

    Everyone attend! It'll be Alex's (Ayreonaught) birthday at the Zoetermeer show on the 25th of March 2011 :) Let's all make sure he goes home drunk and buy him a pint or two! :D
  7. Cello

    The Dutch Prog Exodus 2011 (Cello's travel plan)!

    You're prolly thinking: wtf?! He's early with this kinda stuff. Yeah I am, and I've got reasons for it :P Read on, peasants! Since it was such an incredible succes last year, I'll be organizing a massive exodus from several parts of our tiny country towards Baarlo. I already got a question...
  8. Cello

    Happy bday Andrew!

    Although his bday isn't for another year and a day (29 Feb 2012 :P), officially, I believe a happy bday thread is in order for Andrew today! Happy bday, mate! Have a good one!
  9. Cello

    Happy bday Damian!

    A very happy birthday to the Voice himself. Hope you're having a great day, Damian! I'll see you on tour with Maiden United soon!
  10. Cello

    The Dutch Prog Exodus (Cello's travel plan!)

    Alright, here's the basics and I'll message my contact information to anyone that requires it so I'll be reachable on the day itself (ask and you shall receive!). If you wish to travel with us, please read the post below in it's entirety and let us know you will be traveling with us so we know...
  11. Cello

    Kamelot singer falls ill, Michael Eriksen of Circus Maximus to replace him on NA tour

    Kamelot took a possible shitty situation and fixed it properly. Michael Eriksen will be replacing Roy, who's seriously fallen ill, on Kamelot's North American tour. Read about it here:
  12. Cello

    Happy bday Gregg!

    Gregg is turning 28 today! (Though he doesn't look a day over 27!) Happy bday! Make it a good one and as I always tell people: don't drink more than I would! Save me some cake!
  13. Cello

    Bands you would travel for

    So I've seen it suggested a few times that people would be willing to travel to see certain bands play live if their tour wouldn't take them near to where they live. I got back today from a trip to Norway (for 2.5 days) to see Seventh Wonder (with Illusion Suite as a support act) with a buddy. I...
  14. Cello

    New Star One Teaser

    Arjen reveals the album cover, album title and you can hear some of the music: Rumour has it that Damian Wilson and Russel Allen have already recorded vocals for it too :D
  15. Cello

    New Star One Teaser

    Arjen reveals the album cover, title and some of the music! :D
  16. Cello


    Ladies and gentleman, I heard you wondering: "What on earth is A.B.C.C.M.E.?". The A.B.C.C.M.E. is ofcourse nothing less than the Anual Baarlo Chinese Culinary Metal Extravaganza! As has been the tradition the past couple of years, we will try to get as many of you attending metalheads to...
  17. Cello


    So on facebook it says (I assume Gregg posted this) "Suspyre + DVD = yes". This is awesome news, ofcourse! I was just wondering whether it was going to be a live dvd captured at a gig, or if it's going to be a dvd that comes with the limited edition of the CD with bonus material on it?
  18. Cello

    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2010

    With the headliners announced, I felt it's time to start this thread up again! So, let's hear it people! Where are you from, where will you be staying and what freaky facts about yourself are you willing to share with us this time? NAME: Marcel Slaman FROM: Bovenkarspel, The Netherlands...
  19. Cello

    Legendary edition of Progpower Europe

    Don't know if you guys care, but I'm so excited I have to get it off my chest :) Shadow Gallery and Jon Oliva's Pain will be headlining the saturday and sunday of Progpower Europe 2010! The friday will be headlined by Serenity, from Austria (who are awesome too!) Other names on the bill...
  20. Cello

    New website layout

    I like it! When did this happen? Cos honestly I don't check the website too often, I just check the forums and the facebook page (and I try to check the blog every now and then as well)