Search results

  1. TrueBeliever

    Suggest me a band.

    I havn't had time in a while to keep up with new bands, so please suggest me one band (only one per person please) that I need to have heard. Cheers, Michael
  2. TrueBeliever

    hey from sweden

    so I've been in swedish like 6 weeks now, and I've been reading the board whilst bored, but I havn't posted in a while, so I thought I'd say hi. I wish I had some pictures to post, but all I have really is some of me drunk with some random drunk finns (right now I'm working on a bottle of...
  3. TrueBeliever

    is anyone here from uppsala?

    excuse me if its off-topic, but I'm going to be here for the next couple of months, and I was curious if anyone else knew anything about it
  4. TrueBeliever

    I am goddamn bored.

    I'm in sweden for basically the whole goddamn summer but I don't know a single person. So basically all I have to do is hang out on benches, listen to music by myself, smoke too much, and generally just be metal. Still, I'm bored... so I'm saying hi. Incidently, I can't find the...
  5. TrueBeliever

    lyrics to sleep is a curse

    I don't know if this has been discussed previously (I can't use the search) or whether it's considered off-topic (if so I apologize), but I was curious if anyone knew what that song was about. I normally couldn't care less about lyrics, but I've been listening to that song several times a day...
  6. TrueBeliever

    cymbal recommendations?

    I recently destroyed my old zbt crash and I haven't used my a custom crash for a while because its missing a chunk. As far as crashes go (cause my splashes are all apparently indestructable) my z custom is the only one that's held up, and I need another one or two, but wanted a different sound...
  7. TrueBeliever

    cymbal recommendations?

    I recently destroyed my old zbt crash and I haven't used my A custom crash for a while because its missing a chunk. As far as crashes go (cause my splashes are all apparently indestructable) my z custom is the only one that's held up, and I need another one or two, but wanted a different sound...
  8. TrueBeliever

    ATTENTION: selling Jaxx ticket for tomorrow, Nile/Behemoth/King Diamond/Black Dahlia

    30$. Show is sold out, I have to get rid of this extra ticket.
  9. TrueBeliever

    Favorite German pop song?

    I have to give 99 red balloons credit, but since my friend sent me some wir sind helden, I'd have to say "guten tag" is my favorite.
  10. TrueBeliever

    Paris is gray.

    The whole damn city is the same gray color. But I'm mainly pissed that I couldn't find a damn cd store the whole 4 days I was there.
  11. TrueBeliever

    Have you ever...

    ...been amazed to find you own a cd that you were completely unaware of? That happens to me entirely too often. Maybe I should stop buying cds for a while.
  12. TrueBeliever

    For your consideration:

    Emperor: Emperor Penguin: Corpsepaint.....coincidence?
  13. TrueBeliever

    last metal show at thunderdome, behemoth/suffocation

    I'm not positive how coherent this'll be cause I've been up for at least 21 hours now. But did anyone else go to this (I know at least a dozen of you are in or close to maryland)? and what were your impressions. basically behemoth blew me away, and I think they stole the show; the first 3 bands...
  14. TrueBeliever

    bass drum question

    What can you recommend for a metal sounding batter head? or should I just trigger one? or keep using an electric bass drum?
  15. TrueBeliever

    looking for a good bass drum head

    What can you recommend for a death metal-sounding batter head? or should I just trigger one or keep using my electric bass drum
  16. TrueBeliever


  17. TrueBeliever

    a little game:

    I'll give the answer eventually if noone gets it.
  18. TrueBeliever

    a small suggestion about the website

    When ordering cds I believe there is a box with instructions to specify if you would like to have it autographed to someone in particular. I do not think it is clear that if you do not fill in that box, it automatically comes to the person whose name is on the paypal account. I was using someone...
  19. TrueBeliever

    What are (in your opinion) the three best bands for keyboard?

    For me: 1. Skyfire 2. Scholomance 3. Die Apokalyptischen Reiter If you respond, feel free to explain your choices, I just didn't feel like it.
  20. TrueBeliever

